Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Sunday!

Is it spring yet?

Does anyone else think it's strange that it is almost April and we are still getting snow?  Yesterday was rainy and snowy and a good day to stay in.  I got lots done including three loads of laundry and my weekly homework.  I also got to visit with a college friend and her kids who were visiting from out of town this past weekend.  

Reminder:  Healthcare deadline is tomorrow.  Here is another option that I have come across:  CHM.  They are accredited with the Better Business Bureau.  

If you're looking for a good book to read, check out The Noticer by Andy Andrews.  This book is an insightful look into things you might miss otherwise.

I was also listening to the radio lately and there is a series of dvd's called Shalom in Your Home that help you with different issues you might be facing.

Lots of odds and ends!  Enjoy your week!