Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Swine & Legion

A Story of Pigs...

Who is Legion?  Legion is many...  contained in one man.  He was a man known for being demon-possessed.  And he was possessed by many...  So what happens next?  He met Jesus and knew exactly who he was and asked to be allowed to enter the pigs instead.  And so about two thousand pigs ran to their death...

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pigs & Swine?

Why did they decide to cross the road?

Did you hear about the overturned truck that was carrying a bunch of pigs?  How's that for a highway stopper?  Rather than sheep or cows?  Don't you wish you were on the highway that day?  "Little pig, little pig, let me in..."

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Bring on the Brass!

Not too long ago I got to listen to this band at a local festival...  From what I heard these guys were in the university band but decided to branch off and start their own.  What do you think?  Do you think they made the right decision?  They have a very upbeat style of music...  Makes many want to dance...

Friday, May 17, 2019

What is...

Spiritual Warfare?

Do you ever wonder about angels and demons and what they are to you?  Do we all have a guardian angel?  Or have some chosen to align themselves with the other side?  There is another part of this world that not all people know about or believe in but if you believe that witches exist then why don't you believe in God?

Monday, May 13, 2019

May the Force...

Be With You!

Do you believe in the force?  Do you believe in the Holy Spirit?  What is the unintentional metaphor of Star Wars?  In the movie, "the force" is the supernatural power behind good and evil.  The force can be used for good but it can also be used for evil.  Luke Skywalker enveloped in his anger succumbed to the dark side of the force...

So what is the "Holy Spirit" exactly?  The Holy Spirit is of God however "occultic" is of the devil.  Both have supernatural powers but one is derived from God and the other from the devil.  God has a will for your life but the devil also has a will for your life...

Which will you choose?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Divine Appointment

Ken Gaub

There are coincidences but then there are coincidences!  But not really...  Read this amazing account of someone that was at the right place at the right time and realizing that God was behind it all along.  Some things in life can not be explained away...

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Bitmoji What?

Bitmoji Me!  :)

Ever wanted to make yourself into a cartoon?  Well this is the way to do it!  It is surprisingly fun and easy to make yourself into a cartoon...  And this is something that people of all ages can have fun with...  So Bitmoji Yourself! 

Friday, May 3, 2019

He That Overcomes

The World

There is a new movie coming out this August called Overcomer.  I had the opportunity to watch the preview and it is a tearjerker.  You will want to see this movie!  It's about our identity in Christ and it's timely as it seems our world is going through one giantic identity crisis.  People don't seem to know who they really are as they are constantly in a state of change.  If you are not happy with yourself as you are then you will never be happy!