Saturday, November 29, 2014


Are you a workout fiend?

I used to be in my younger days before I ended up with injuries.  However if you are looking for a great gym bag then get an Ogio bag.  These are the ultimate in locker bags and they fit so conveniently into a locker.  Buy one and try it.  I discovered these years ago.

Friday, November 28, 2014


Turkey Memoirs

Hope you all enjoyed a great Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones.  I had a progressive Thanksgiving week, you might say...  at least in terms of food... 

I had three turkey dinners: 

One a formal Thanksgiving feast, I even helped make a sweet potato casserole.  Very yummy! 

Another at Bob Evans.  The child portion was more than enough.  Who knew I was such a kid? 

And lastly a Thanksgiving potluck.  I was planning to bring green beans but since I was at work, a friend kindly made a dish in lieu of.  That's what friends are for... 

Monday, November 24, 2014

What's a bingle?

A boisterous mingle...

This only makes sense if you are on the meetup site and are a part of a certain meetup group.  Tanialocks knows what I'm talking about.

I thought that today began as a Winnie the Pooh kind of day until it turned into Kansas from Oz.  Know what I mean?  High wind velocity.  It's amazing how sometimes you can experience all four seasons in one day.  And then brrr...  the weather gets colder yet again...

This is the perfect time to have some honey tea.  Just boil hot water and put some honey in it.  Plus honey is good for you.  Bee a honey today!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

7 Deadly Sins


Remember Ebenezer Scrooge?  He's stingy, a miser, a skinflint!  So many synonyms for someone who is so greedy.

I was listening to a story on the radio one day about a banker who loved money.  He loved money so much that he had no time for family or friends.  Well, one holiday weekend he got locked up in the vault with all that money that he loved so much.  He realized something very quickly.  That all the money in the world wouldn't help him that weekend.  Since he had no family or friends to miss him, no one knew he was locked up until the weekend was over.  He went in a Scrooge but came out a changed man.

I know people that have no debt and money saved up but they wouldn't lift a finger to help someone in need.  They just hate the idea of spending money!  Then there are people I know that have no money to spare and yet they still give you their money.  It's ironic that the ones that have the most are the ones that give the least and the ones that have the least are the ones that give the most.  Of course, this is not always true because some very wealthy people give and some very poor people don't.  But you do figure out what a person's priorities are.

What are your true intentions?  If you give expecting something in return, does that make you feel better?

I heard a joke one time about a rich man that wanted to bring his riches with him when he died and went to heaven.  He asked Saint Peter if he could bring in one bag.  Saint Peter said yes.  So when the rich man died he had a bag with him at the pearly gates.  Out of curiosity, Saint Peter asked to look in the bag, then motioned to another, "Get this, he's bringing pavement into heaven."  As in heaven. "where the streets are lined with gold."

Remember the person with the most money when he dies does not win!

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Are you from Portland, Oregon?

There is a cable TV series called Portlandia.  It is a satirical look at life in Portland, Oregon.  I have spoken to people that have been to Portland and they agree that this series is very true to the area. So why not visit Portland?  I have watched some episodes and the two main characters, Fred and Carrie, portray different aspects of life as it's lived in Portland, Oregon.  They have an offbeat oddball sense of humor.

Creative Genius

How artsy are you?

Have you ever come across someone that is so creative?  Then meet a creative genius!  She custom designs everything you might need for a wedding or event party.  I have personally attended a couple of her events and they are very professionally and creatively done.  You'd think you walked into a Hollywood gathering of sorts.  So whether you need invitations or announcements, etc., then contact this kind of artist to design your masterpiece.

Also if you are into scrapbooking, then check out this scrapbooking shop.  They carry pretty much anything you might need where paper art is concerned.  I personally enjoy scrapbooking a lot and have recently finished two wedding albums.  Yeah!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Coolest Cooler

So what's the bright idea?

Have you ever wanted a cooler that could do just about anything?  Well, this cooler does a lot and Ryan Grepper from Portland, Oregon came up with this ingenious product idea.  He used Kickstarter for crowdfunding and raised over $13 billion.  He is one of the inventors that is represented by Trident Design, LLC.  Do you need help funding your invention?  Then contact Trident Design!

Remember the guy with the potato salad?  He raised over $50,000.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Outer Space

Are you a space cadet or just plain spacey?  

Did you know that a new earth has been discovered?  In the constellation Draco.  What would it be like to travel in outer space and fly among the stars?  NASA is always making new discoveries and it's always interesting to hear the latest space news.  I used to work at the Lewis Research Center years ago.  It's a great place to work.  I enjoyed meeting all the engineers and scientists there:  Lots of brain power.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Shiver me timbers!


Oh my!  Right?  Like what happened?  Overnight we get covered in a winter wonderland.  One day it's fall then next it's winter.  Brrr...  Talk about walking icicles which is what we will become this winter.  I don't know how the Eskimos do it.  Stay warm!  It may be a long cold winter...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Go You Chicken Fat Go!

Remember being in grade school?

If you remember this song then you know about how old I am.  I remember having to sing this song and doing these exercises.  Did you know that this song originated as an initiative from President Kennedy?  I also also remember singing John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?

Friday, November 14, 2014

California Baby!

Are you dreaming California?

If you have allergies and are looking for a good line of soap and shampoo products, then check out California Baby!  This line was recommended to me by my doctor.  You never know what you are allergic to unfortunately.  Everything you love may harm you!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Flat? C Sharp!

What would we do without it?  I've been listening to a little bit of Christmas, a tiny bite of classical, and now a song from Enya.  Could you imagine how flat our world would be without music?  Granted not everyone has the same tastes in music but that is why there are so many genres around.  I remember browsing in a bookstore the first time I listened to Enya.  I got her Shepherd Moons cd.  I also love Giovanni Marradi.  His music is so cathartic.  He brings your emotions to the surface.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Do you like them?

It's funny!  Growing up, my Mom used to drench raw onions in soy sauce and I used to eat them here and there.  However now that I'm grown up, I only eat caramelized onions if at all.  I love green onions and scallions though.  Aren't they one and the same?  At any rate onions are a definite must in stew.  Especially  beef curry stew.  You have to try it!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Don't you love them?

Sometimes in life you have to make difficult choices and decisions that affect not just your life but others as well. What do you do with decisions like these?  A thought to ponder...

Having said that!  TGIF!  Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Affective Cultural Competence

What is it?

Do you know what perception is?  Everyone has a different perception of what is disgusting to them.  Some people are easily disgusted by homeless people, unclean people, etc.  Know what I mean?  There are workshops available to help you understand why and how you react to certain types of people. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


is powerful!

And knowledge is power!  So they say...  I remember when I was in grade school, then high school, then college that one day I would no longer have homework; but oddly enough I missed not learning something new.  It's true!  If you don't use it, you lose it!  That includes your brain.  So I went back to school.  There are times that I wish I knew then what I know now.  I would have made so many changes in my life.  However don't ever let not doing something then, stop you from doing something now.  Time goes on and you can't get that back but you can make a change today and keep making changes tomorrow.  Carpe diem!  

Monday, November 3, 2014

A favorite drink...

Aw shucks!

Do you know how I like Bundaberg Ginger Beer?  Well, I like their Peachee drink even more and I have been checking out different World Markets for some only to find out recently that that is a seasonal flavor.  Which is why they don't carry them right now!  That explains why I couldn't find it on the shelf.  :( 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fall Back

Daylight Savings

It's that time again!  We set our clocks back an extra hour because it's time to "fall back."  Which actually means that we gain an hour.  Of sleep!  Zzzzzzz...  or activity?  If you are so inclined.

I was listening to a message by Dr. Charles Stanley on kindness.  Are you a kind person?  Kindness is a quality that is timeless and will always be appreciated by others.