Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Humble Pie

Pride Goeth Before a Fall

I heard about an entertainer that was very successful and after his shows he would go around cleaning up the trash that was left behind.  Some people asked him why would he do such a thing and he said that he did it because it kept him humble.  Humility is a character trait however success can go straight to one's head.  Every successful person needs to stay grounded don't you think?

Sunday, February 25, 2018

All Things Are Possible...

Nothing Is Impossible...

With God!  Not everyone believes in God.  How do you feel about God?  Do you believe that he exists?  Or do you think that he is just an idea?  Do you believe in good and evil?  Is there good in the world?  Is there evil?  If good and evil exist then why do you think that God and the devil do not?

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ashes to Ashes

Dust to Dust

Today's major headline news:  Billy Graham has died at the age of 99.  Billy Graham has been one of the most influential as well as the most instrumental in carrying out the message of the gospel all over the world.  I was in my car this morning when I heard the news on the radio.  I'm sure that God has welcomed him into heaven as the good and faithful servant that he has been on this earth. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Somber Reality


Driving around I see police cars everywhere and people milling around waiting for a processional to begin.  The town is somber as they lay to rest two police officers killed in the line of duty.  Navy blue ribbons blowing in the breeze. 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Year of the Dog

Chinese New Year

There are many ways to bring in a new year but I think eating dumplings is probably a good way to do it.  I love Asian food and so if Asian food is going to be served then I am right there.  It was a fun night with a lot of dog activities.  As always my favorite dog is Snoopy!  :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Hearts Day!

Heart Holiday...

This is the day to celebrate love and from what I hear a lot of couples got engaged today.  In fact Panera Bread made it interesting by offering free catering to a happy couple that became engaged in one of their locations.  So whether or not you are engaged I hope you were able to spend some time with your loved ones...


Yellow Roses

Monday, February 12, 2018

Music Moods

Listening for the Soul

Do you like listening to music?  What kind of music?  JazzEasy ListeningClassical Music?  Music does something for the soul...  Sometimes it is cathartic and sometimes it lightens as much as it saddens depending on the mood of the heart...  Some songs remind us of different memories from long ago... 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Olympics are Underway

PyeongChang 2018

I remember years ago helping an Olympic athlete train for the Olympics.  It's interesting the people that life will send your way quite by chance...  Here's to all the competitors...  Do your best!  Be your best!  But life goes on no matter what happens...  Make the most of your life...

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Is Hell Real?

Dante's Inferno

Dante painted a depiction of hell that is actually accurate in that it consists of varying levels of pain and torture depending on how good or bad you've been.  There is only one way to heaven and it has nothing to do with works.  Works are for rewards but most who end up in heaven will have the satisfaction of a race well run for the good that they've done here on earth.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Brighten Up

Sunshine Smiles

Drat that Phil!

Why did he have to see his shadow?

Punxsutawney Phil that is...  Happy Groundhog Day!  Although most would not consider the news to be what we really want to hear:  Six more weeks of winter...  Bleah!  Winter has its moments and the snowflakes are pretty but the wind chill and bitter cold is not.  However we have warmer days every so often which helps.