Thursday, March 6, 2014

Are you an Aspie?

Asperger's Syndrome

It's amazing to me how there is so much that people don't know about and want to understand but just can't find the information sometimes.  I did a lot of research on Asperger's Syndrome a while back because I thought someone close to me had this.  Since then I have found numerous friends and acquaintances that also know someone they care about that has it too.  The best resource that I have found online comes from Craig Kendall who has a son with Asperger's which is when he began his journey to learn all he could about this condition.  

During my research I found out a lot about what it is and what it's not.  A person with Asperger's is not retarded or stupid but rather highly intelligent just lacking in social skills.  They just need to learn what to most of us is second nature.  There are schools that are helping kids with Asperger's learn the social skills they need by interacting with Neuro-Typicals also known as NT's who are people that don't have Asperger's.

Generally relationships between a Neuro-Typical and an Asperger's person is very difficult.  They don't last in marriages.  What usually happens is that you remain friends or live in separate houses, etc.  A very good movie that came out about a love relationship between an NT and Asperger's is called Adam.  This is must-see movie.  Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is another one.  There have also been other movies about Asperger's characters.

If you think you might be an Aspie, you can take this test.  I took it and although I do have Aspie-like traits, I don't have enough of them to be considered an Aspie.  If you like taking tests, this test will let you know if you have any personality type disorders.  I took this test and was mid-range for obsessive-compulsive disorder which I already knew.  Since I have many friends that are also OCD, I feel that I am in good company.  

Well, the temps are getting into the 40's and 50's which makes me very happy!  Spring is just a couple weeks away.  And this weekend is daylight savings time:  So spring forward!