Friday, June 30, 2017

The Prodigal

Which one are you?

Yesterday I was having a conversation with someone who ask me which one are you?  Do you recall the story of the prodigal?  The son runs away and squanders all his money.  There are three major players in this story:  The father, the son, and the older brother.  The father lets his son go and welcomes him back, the younger son runs away and goes through all his money and then returns home, and the older brother stays home doing the right thing but judging his younger brother the entire time.

In different situations in life you can be anyone one of the three depicted in this parable so which one are you?  And what should you do?  What is the right thing to do?

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Vist a Lake

Rest & Relax

Knowing Yourself...

Owning It!

Sometimes in life we make mistakes.  Owning up to your mistakes is a true sign of maturity:  To be able to admit that you are wrong.  Do you ever come across someone that makes mistakes but always comes across like they are perfect?  Sometimes don't you wonder about these people?  Because ultimately no one is perfect.  I'm not.  Are you?  And some mistakes are easily fixed while others can be very fatal. 

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Tie Dye

Picnic Daze

A friend invited me to a corporate picnic event.  The weather was beautiful and the temperature just right.  I got to make a tie dye t-shirt and got a brat to eat.  Just like being at a fair.  It was a good day with a plane flying overhead.  We had been with other friends packaging cookies for a local high school earlier that morning so definitely a busy day too. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Of Beauty

Have you ever seen anyone so beautiful on the outside but so ugly on the inside?  The Bible describes Lucifer as being "perfect in beauty" however this is also what leads to his downfall.  We all come across people everyday in our lives:  People of all physical descriptions.  There are people who are genuine and people who are not.  Some people are so beautiful on the inside but some people only value the beauty they see on the outside.  Qualities of inner beauty are compassion, kindness, humbleness...  Ugliness is shown by being selfish, shallow, saccharine sweet...  The genuine person appears exactly as they are but the devious person puts out a fake persona.  Everything they do is an act and not real...  What type of person are you and are you happy where you are? 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Two Lies

Don't Make a Truth...

Although sometimes they appear to...  Ever meet two people who were such good friends that they would lie for each other?  To their husbands, to their families?  It appears that they tell the truth because they keep corroborating for each other but really they are the most deceitful of persons.

I have to wonder what made them that way and why they are so lacking in character?  Too arrogant to admit that they did anything wrong...  Only upset because they were caught...  Ultimately they can fool other people but they can't fool God...  They will never fool God and I think they will learn the hard way that there truly is a God.  

Monday, June 12, 2017

Odd Facts


Unfortunately it seems the older we get the bigger our ears and nose become.  Evidently they are two parts of the body that don't stop growing.  So what happens if you are born with a big nose or ears...  Well...   

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Small Business


Are you a small business owner?  Or are you thinking of opening up a small business?  I will let you in on a secret...  It is a lot of hard work and it takes forever and a day it seems.  Seriously you have to take baby steps in order to get things done.  It will help if you surround yourselves with like-minded people as well as people who are motivational rather than down in the dumps thinkers.  As always choose wisely...  in regards to mentors and friends as they can make or break you. 

Read some motivational books...