Sunday, February 28, 2016


Of a Family

One of my brothers texted me and sent me pictures of him and his kids running their first 5K.  What an accomplishment!  Something I will probably never do.  Half of my family has run in marathons.  I remember a memorable one for the Kentucky Derby.  Talk about a fun marathon to watch.  People dress up for this one.  I got to watch Elvis, Batman and Wonder Woman all run in the marathon.  However I mainly went to see my sister and my brother run.  Congrats for doing something so life-changing!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Love at First Sight...

Not at first bite!

I was watching a love story recently and a writer had written about the first sign of fondness between a man and a woman.  The man gets bold and the woman gets shy.  Is that true do you think?  There's a difference between guys I like and guys I just like as friends.  It's food for thought!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Why Not?

A while back I was listening to the radio about what's trending now.  The most searched for topics on the internet include a three letter word that I think you might be able to guess at as it's not PG.  The other words include God and jobs.  So what does this tell us?  It tells us what people are interested in finding out more about and what they're searching for.

Thousands upon thousands of displaced workers are looking for jobs.  Why?  Because as you get older you tend to get shuffled off to the side.  A number of friends that I have have all been let go or laid off by companies that they had spent a number of years working at all because they were no longer valued as an employee.  What makes you not valued as an employee?

Employees are not valuable:
-if they are getting old and more expensive to care for
-if they have worker's compensation claims
-if they are out on disability
-if they blow the whistle
-if the corporate culture is not politically in their favor

Unfortunately the list can go on and on.  So what do you do if you find yourself out of a job?  You look for a new one, or you start your own business, or you retire, or you become a bum.  It's your choice really!  When life hands you lemons then it's time to make lemonade.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Another Coast Guard Salute!

The Guardian

Remember how you felt watching Top Gun for the first time?  Well The Guardian is a similar type of movie but for the Coast Guard.  The ending will totally grip you.  I know it did for me.  Enjoy!

Monday, February 22, 2016

We Salute the Coast Guard...


Lately it seems that a lot of movies being made are based on true stories.  Why?  True stories are more real and they touch the heart:  Especially when you know it really happened.

I went to see The Finest Hours recently with a friend of mine.  This movie was about the heroic feat of young Coast Guardsmen who were sent out to save lives despite all odds off the New England coast.  The fact that so many of them made it back is definitely a heartwarming miracle.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Snowman Sighting

Just driving around...

Ever see the cutest snowmen?  I was driving through this one housing development recently and saw the cutest snowmen.  Unfortunately one lost its eye.  I wish I had a piece of coal so that I could give that snowman an eye!

Monday, February 8, 2016

"I Need Me Vittles"

Do you eat to live...

Or do you live to eat?  I have to admit that I live to eat.  Although it's really a bit of both because sometimes when you're in a rush you simply eat whatever is handy like a granola bar or a peanut butter jelly sandwich.

(Psst...  I actually do like peanut butter jelly sandwiches because if you think about it you get your protein and I am a nut fan. "You know what they say, sometimes you feel like a nut!  Sometimes you don't!")

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Month for Romantics

Show Me What You Love...

And I will show you who you are or something like that.  So this quote was in a movie short that I caught on TV this past weekend.  I had read this story years ago and thought it was unique.  But then again not.  Don't we all sometimes test the people we meet to see if they truly are the one?  Why don't you read this story for yourself and decide?  According to Snopes this is not a true story but romantic nonetheless.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Favorite Stop

The Hills Market

Do you have a favorite place that you like to stop in at and grab a bite to eat?  Whenever I'm downtown I like to stop off at the The Hills Market for their meatloaf and veggies.  Every so often I will get a pizza.  Yum yum!  It may be weird but I like what I like and I will eat the same thing every so often.  I do also like variety.  I guess it just depends...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016