Thursday, September 29, 2016

Divinity P

In His Light

A while back I went on a photo walk with a photographer friend of mine to take pictures and get pointers.  I am old school and used to develop my own black and white photos.  However we're now in the digital age and even though I love taking photos I do still have a learning curve to go through.  But what a day because I got to take rare pics of a hummingbird and butterflies.  I've gotten some pics of butterflies before but like I said that is rare.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


is but a dream!  Not!

Life is very real.  Sometimes you have to go through hard times because it's true, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.  You hear about all these people that failed in so many areas of their lives only to succeed in the end.  People like Abraham Lincoln and Fred Astaire.  Can you believe that Fred Astaire was told that he would never dance? 

A Sunshine Rhapsody

In Yellow

Sunday, September 25, 2016


To Eat

Edamame has always been a favorite appetizer of many but for some reason I just never wanted to eat any until I went to a Sushi Meetup out in California where I tried it for the first time ever.  I remember wondering why did it take me so long to try?  Yummy!  What can I say? 

So recently I met a friend of mine at a restaurant called, you guessed it, Edamame.  Popular word.  The food was great and atmosphere was trendy.  We are all creatures of habit but sometimes it helps to try out someplace new.  Yummy yum!  I want to eat more. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Baby Baby


So what to do when you are at your wits end and you can't change a diaper because your baby is wiggling around way too much.  You reach for the ipad and play a Baby Bum video.  This works really well for young kids.  In fact this works well if you want to clip the nails off your wee one too.  This is after much observation and experience gained from babysitting.  

Saturday, September 17, 2016


And the Beast

Well sometimes you're just in the mood to watch a love story...  What can I say?  This is a different twist to the well-known fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast and love still wins in the end.  However you are always going to have people with their own agenda wanting to play God.  Just like in this movie.  Popcorn anyone? 

Thursday, September 15, 2016



There are four types of love described in the Bible:  Agape, eros, philia, and storge.  Agape means unconditional love.  When someone loves you unconditionally, it changes you.  Eros is passionate love.  Philia is friendship love.  And storge is family love.  Love surrounds us all the time in its many forms. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016



Tragedy doesn't often strike so close to home but fifteen years ago it did.  Do you remember what you were doing that day or who you were with?  I think it's one of those memories that few people will ever forget:  The survivors and people all over the world that mourned with us.  Remember the opposite of good is evil not bad.  And love overcomes fear.  You can only know this if you've been to hell and back and lived to tell the tale. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


The Way of Trees

Ever go down a street that had such large trees that the leaves touched each other overhead?  And you only got to see glimpses of sky?  Even on a sunny day you were still in shadow.  I like this street.  I think it's kind of cool going down this road.  It would be cooler still to have a hammock under these branches just so I could look up at the sky.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Downtown Abbey...

Came Back!

Just for a marathon event this Labor Day weekend on PBS.  I have been watching this on and off today.  I will probably catch parts of it tomorrow as well as Monday.  After all it's not like I have watched this before right?  Just kidding!  This show is so easy to get addicted to.  However overall I have had a productive day so no worries.  I got to lie in the sun and eat good food.  Did a little work.  Lots of cleaning.  Ran errands.  And wished a sibling a "Happy Birthday!"  September is full of them.  Some months nada and some months, "Oh My Gosh!"  Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!  Work if you want after all it is Labor Day!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Pizza Day

For Pop and I...

Pop being soda!  You know?  I don't know what it is but when I have pizza I have to have soda.  Something about the fizz and the mozzarella.  Yum!

I used to have this favorite pizza place and it was so good that they expanded.  But then the owner sold the chain and the new owner tried to make them over and basically ruined the business.  Don't mess up something that works!  There is so much change going on and sometimes I just want it to stop for a while until I can catch up.  My new pizza place is Sbarro.  They are in many malls and I have been to them here and there but they are now starting their own brick and mortar establishments.  This kind of change I like!  :)