Friday, December 30, 2016

Desperate Times

Desperate Measures

This is your life.  You have one life to live.  You can live it to the fullest...  you can be quietly desperate... or you can be screaming at the top of your head desperate.  You know who I mean?  Some people are so needy that it emanates them off waves.  Don't ever be that desperate!  And don't ever be that needy!  It will drive people away unless you find someone that is as desperate as you are and then you can cling to each other like no tomorrow which could be really unwise not to mention unhealthy.  Otherwise known as codependency.  Do yourself a favor...  Don't be quietly desperate!  In fact, don't be desperate at all.  Not if you can help it. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

God is in Control

Forever and Always

I know some people wonder why evil exists and why God allows bad things to happen...   but...  remember in the beginning God created Adam and Eve to live eternity in paradise.  However we all know how that ended.  All because of forbidden fruit and temptation.  Can you withstand temptation or do you always give in? 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Driving on Christmas

Recent Happenings

Sometimes when you drive you know how you see flocks of geese travel in V-formation?  I saw a flock of geese flying but kind of doubled up like a bold V-formation.  Sometimes if I see something I want to take a picture of I stop driving and take the picture but sometimes the picture is no longer there for me to take...  You know how that goes. 

I had a nice Christmas!  I hope you did too!  I spent mine with old-time friends and had an awesome turkey dinner.  Then later I met up with other friends to see The Accountant.  The ending surprised me.  I don't know why but it did.  It seems more and more autism is in the movies.  If you know someone with Asperger's then check out Craig Kendall's website.  Safe travels!  :)

Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas Eve

Is A Coming...

Enjoy your time with loved ones!  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  If you are able, check out a candlelight service.  Those are my favorites!  With Christmas hymns being sung by one and all. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pet Peeves


Admit it!  We all have them and sometimes we verbalize them to people around us and sometimes we don't.  What I don't understand is why is it that some people can't read between the lines when you tell them that a certain type of behavior bothers you?  I mean if you make it clear that you no longer hang out with certain people because they make you uncomfortable, they get on your nerves, etc. then why do they keep doing it?  Why do they have this crazy idea in their head that they are the exception to the rule?  Why? Why?  Why don't people respect each others boundaries?  However then we have times when we are called to extend grace even when that is the last thing you want to do.  Am I right?  Being human is not easy...

Friday, December 16, 2016

What's Up Doc?

Idiot Roll Call

So not too long ago someone I know told me that a pediatrician told her that it's ok for a child to have a lot of colds because it helps prevent the child from getting leukemia.  Like really?  I know a nurse that works in the same hospital as the said pediatrician and neither she nor the others she works with have ever heard that.  Just make sure when you choose your doctor, choose wisely because there are a lot of quacks out there.  Heaven forbid you take your child to a doctor that is a total idiot.  For the most part I choose my doctors very wisely.  Because in this day and age you have to. 

There was a pediatrician in the news that lost his license because the FBI took down a child pornography site in Florida and he was a frequent visitor.  Seriously!  Be careful because choosing the wrong doctor can be fatal to your child or at the very least detrimental to your child's mental, physical, and/or emotional health. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Free Will Option

You Become Who You Choose TO BE!

Every decision you make, every choice you decide determines your path in life.  Just like a butterfly half way around the world can cause an effect of gigantic proportions so everything we do affects everyone else.  You can choose to do good or evil.  And you can choose to be naughty or nice.  Who are you really?  Do you like who you are?  And yet you have the power to change yourself.  So why don't you?

Friday, December 9, 2016

Sometimes You Just Need a Chuckle...


This week has been a good one.  Lots of time with friends and some with family.  Lots of good eats.  Yum!  And when you eat a lot you need to burn off calories.  So I was at the gym recently watching a featured movie that I had never watched before but it did tickle my funny bone.  Okay Bill and Ted....  You made me laugh!  Interesting way to learn history...

Thursday, December 8, 2016



Where do you get your energy from?  If you get your energy from being by yourself then you are an introvert.  However, if you feel more energized being around people then you are an extrovert.  There is nothing wrong with either but simply a basis for where you get your energy from.  Why not take the Myers-Briggs and find out where you get your energy from? 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Do You Believe?

Strength, Hope, Courage...

Have you lost touch with the real meaning of Christmas?  A couple of friends and I saw this movie yesterday.  This movie is about finding your Christmas spirit in addition to strength, hope, and courage.  Sometimes the realities of life will drag you down and make it easy to turn your back on what's right.  And what seems right may not be right at all as you will see if you watch this movie.

Friday, December 2, 2016


155 Lives

Can you imagine traveling on an airplane only to have it hit by numerous birds causing your plane to fall?  Recently a friend and I went to watch this movie about the true story of an airline pilot that saves the lives of 155 passengers by landing in the Hudson River.  This movie makes you realize how each day that you are given is time that maybe you would not have had otherwise.  Time truly is valuable! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


The World of Dilbert

What does it say about you if you are a micromanager?  Do you really want to know?  It says that you are insecure, that you don't know what you are doing...  Being a micromanager is really not a good thing.

Over the years I've worked for great bosses and I've worked for bad ones.  The worst boss I ever had wanted to write me up because my electric stapler was too loud...  The same electric stapler that everyone else on the floor had...  The one that I only used for five minutes a day...  Talk about Cruella Deville...

Back then I was attending a finance series and told my class about it.  They told me to send the email to Dilbert so he could write a cartoon about it.  I have yet to see it though. 

Sunday, November 27, 2016


is coming!

So Thanksgiving has come and went.  And I think that we all have had our fill of Thanksgiving turkey and sides.  Now is the time for leftovers and gearing up for the upcoming holidays which is coming up so much sooner than we realize.  I hope you enjoyed your time with your loved ones this past holiday and enjoy the rest of your weekend!  :)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble!  Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!  It's super amazing how fast this year went by.  I have to admit that I simply wasn't ready for it.  I'm actually planning to do some fall cleaning and rearranging before heading out to dinner at a friends and a movie later.  Take care and God bless you all!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Once Was Blind

But Now I See

What do Ginny Owens and Fanny Crosby have in common?  Both are talented female songwriters but they are both also blind.  Being blind didn't stop them from living their dream or sharing their music with the world.  What would we do without music in this world?  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Renew Your Mind

And Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter

Garbage In, Garbage Out...  What you put into your mind is what you will get out of it.  If you take in good then you become good.  If you take in bad then you become bad.  Good health is highly valued in our society and we have so many people spouting out the effects of fruits, vegetables, raw foods...  However how many people really care what they put into your mind?  If someone could read your thoughts would you be embarrassed?  Would you be ashamed?  Food for thought...

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Santa Clause


Who's been naughty or nice.  But do you know who really knows?  God!  He will always know what you are thinking and what you are doing.  And you will be judged accordingly.  What you do and how you treat people matters because some day what goes around comes around and when it does it will most likely bite you in the butt!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The Blue Pill

Or the Red Pill

So which will it be?  Some people would rather know the truth as hurtful as it may be but others would rather just keep their heads in the sand and go on pretending to believe what they want to believe.  Unfortunately that is not really living in reality.  Yeah the truth hurts but in the long run you will be better off.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Bad Moms

Vs A Good Mother

We laugh at movies like Bad Moms but sadly enough there are people in this world that were simply not meant to be parents.  Being a parent takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice.  Some mothers value their creature comforts over that of their children but other mothers put their children's creature comforts ahead of their own.  If you are the type of person that would rather do your own thing rather than spend time with your child than you know what your priorities are:  Selfish rather than selfless.   

I have friends who have children and they simply gave up a lot of the stuff they used to do when they became parents.  They only traveled if it was required for work and if their child became sick they would drop everything to be by their side.  Being a parent is a learning curve but hopefully in the end you have a child that loves you.

Friday, November 11, 2016

A Vow

Of Love

It's always interesting to me the number of times some people get married.  Because when they got married they obviously didn't mean for better for worse.  Obviously you still haven't found what you are looking for if you are still looking while you are married. 

Don't settle in the first place and don't marry someone because you are lonely, because you want money, because you don't want someone to know what a real jerk you are.  Because admit it if you are fooling around on your spouse then you really are a jerk. 

Do you understand the dynamics of supply and demand? Do you value your self-worth?  Or are you just a cheap trinket that will put out for any Tom, Dick, or Harry?  And it works both ways...