Saturday, November 30, 2019

Chiller Wind

And so it goes...

Winter again!  In with a snowstorm and out again:  Back and forth, back and forth...  I like looking at snow but only if I don't have to drive in it...  There's snow!  And then there's SNOW!  So much snow...  "Snow, snow, go away!  Come again some other day..."

Friday, November 22, 2019

Crazy Happenings

Circle Seven Times

This is SO NOT a way to marry someone...  I was at church a while back and listened to a sermon from a pastor that was counseling couples from a different church.  He noticed the disparity in their marriages and asked why they had married each other?  To which they replied that their pastor had told them "that marriage was supposed to be like the battle of Jericho!"  Oh no!  It is not!  Evidently the pastor told them to find someone they wanted to marry and circle them seven times.  That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.  Get a life!  And try courtship...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ignore Me

Ignore Me Not

The oddest thing...  Some people ignore people they like...  Guess what?  They will never know you like them...  I had someone tell me that these two guys liked me...  Never knew it!

Usually people ignore people they don't like.  Believe me if you like someone then you'd better let them know or they will never know it.  I had a college friend who was so shy but guess what?  He got married...  All it takes is meeting the right one...  I have never not talked to someone that I was interested in...  

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Are You...

Who I Say You Are?

This world is growing more and more chaotic everyday.  We live in a world that promotes that "love has no labels" however there are a lot more labels now then ever before.  I think back to the simpler life that I had growing up and am sad that the kids these days will never know what it means to be a kid.  Innocence lost forever... 

What is the most important thing in this day and age?  To have a strong sense of who you are...  Because if a group of kids decide that you are an "apple" then you have got to realize that you are not an "apple" just because they say that you are.  You define who you are!  You need to believe in yourself and not care about the labelers of this world...  Believe in You!


Monday, November 11, 2019

The Things

We Ponder

Why?  Why?  Why?  How did we end up this way?  Why?  If we had seen the end in sight would we have made the decisions we have?  What in the world?  And why?  Again why?  We can travel the world in how many days?  But it will only take us a second to push a button and destroy it.  What a sad day it will be when that happens.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


And Hate

Some people you like when you first meet them and then hate them later.  Some people you don't like when you first meet them but then like them later.  Some people you are indifferent to and some people you simply don't care.  There are too many people in this world.  And you only have enough time.  Make time for the ones that matter because that will be your biggest regret.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Builds Character

Everybody goes through hard times but it is when we go through the hard times that makes or breaks us.  Some of us become better people and some of us don't.  It's always difficult to feel the same way about a sore loser.  Some people don't take rejection well.