Thursday, November 30, 2017

Pitter Patter

Of Little Feet

Have you ever been plagued by squirrels?  I know they are part of nature's creatures but when they live directly above you then they are not your best friend.  They raise up the most awful ruckus and keep you from falling asleep.  Or they wake you up and who knows what else they are doing up there:  Like pooping up your attic. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

To Each

His Own

So someone I know told me a story about a guy in college who told a sorority girl that he was saving himself for marriage.  To which the sorority girl replied that if he didn't sleep with her she was going to tell everyone he was gay.  Really?  Let's consider the source...  The sorority girl is probably well-known to be certain type of girl which means STDs.  And she is probably a liar to boot. 

Don't ever negotiate with a liar or otherwise you will have to put up with their shenanigans for the rest of your life.  If the guy wants to save himself then I commend him.  It's so easy to be like everyone else but it takes a lot of guts to stand out and up for what you believe in.

I went out briefly with a guy that was a liar.  We were taking dance lessons and he told the instructor how he was this and that.  I just looked at him like why did you tell her that?  And he was like I don't want her thinking I'm a loser.  I had to make something up.  Like really?  If you have to make up a life then you have no life.  Liar, liar, liar...  Thank goodness I broke up with him.  Who dates a liar anyway? 

Friday, November 24, 2017

Dot Blot

Forget Me Not

After we are born we go through the baby stage where we gradually become conscious of our inner thoughts and some childhood memories.  However as we grow older we become aware of a loss of short-term memory at times and some of us end up with dementia and Alzheimer's.  How do we remember what we don't want to forget?  Of course there are those memories we would like to forget but we always remember.  How contrary our minds are...

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017



You would hope...  Although I'm sure some of us are not getting wiser but more foolish as time goes on.  I find it odd that comediennes love making fun of political figures so much.  It's almost as if they only ended up in their line of work because they couldn't make it elsewhere.  Don't get me wrong everyone needs a good laugh but there's poking fun at and downright pettiness.  Hmmm...  Makes you wonder...

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Less is More

Don't you agree?

It's funny when you think of opportunity and timing...  Even meeting someone for the first time...  The timing has to be right in order for it to work and the dialogue and approach have to sync otherwise you scare the person off or the other person thinks you are not interested.  Life...  a series of dilemmas and missed opportunities.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Good Times

Cookie Times

There are certain activities in life that just remind you of home and comfort.  Cooking is one of them especially if you can do it with good friends.  I've always enjoyed cooking ever since I used to cook with my Mom and for my Mom.  Then came home economics classes cause even if you burnt something you just had to laugh at yourself. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

I Pledge...

Allegiance to the Flag

I can't remember the last time I pledged my allegiance.  It's not something that is done very often in our everyday lives.  However today I was at a ceremony recognizing veterans from all branches of the military.  So we salute...  The Army, The Navy, The Air Force, The Marines, and The Coast Guard!  Hoo-Rah! 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My Thoughts...

On Cinderella's Stepsisters

You hear people say, "if the shoe fits, wear it," but nowhere does it say to cram your foot into a shoe that is too tight or too large for your foot especially if your foot is going to be bleeding by the end of the night. Now I'm not saying that I personally am Cinderella but rather that we all are.  There are a horde of princes out there in all shapes and sizes but not every prince is meant to be for just you or me.

We each have a prince with a shoe that fits but if you keep trying to make a prince fit you because you think he is the "end all be all" then you may very well realize that he is really not what you wanted in the first place.  Some of us are fortunate enough to have found our prince and some of us have not.  Why?  I don't know...  For example:  Take Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler.  They were pretty equally matched but Scarlett kept pining after Ashley who didn't have the guts to tell her he really didn't feel the same way.

In order for love to work it has to be mutual.  If you have to be someone that you're not in order to "fit" with that person then you are not in a genuine relationship.  You are faking it.  Do yourself a favor and don't fake it.  Ever!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Daylight Savings

Yet Once Again

Yesterday I told everyone to remember that is was daylight savings and to turn their clocks back.  Well I just went to the kitchen and realized that I need to set my own clocks back:  Fall back!  I hope you enjoy your extended weekend of one hour.  I think I slept mine away.  Lol! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hello Fall

Sweet November

Well I usually like fall especially the crisp coolness of it but when it goes from summer-like weather to chilly willy I think I have to protest.  Today I was contemplating a resident squirrel that for some reason likes to live above me.  I never realized squirrels could be so noisy.