Saturday, March 29, 2014

Clean, clean, clean...

Some things break to help us motivate...

So sometimes we need a little motivation to help us clean.  I've been having plumbing problems this past week and have had maintenance in and out in order to fix everything.  I've also had to take out half of what was in my closet and decided that when I started putting things back together again that this would be a good opportunity to donate clothes especially when I think about my New Year's Resolution...  Remember that?

Unfortunately you can have all the best intentions in the world to clean and donate, etc. but intentions are only intentions if you never act on them.  So act on your good intentions!    

Do you ever really look in your closet?  I know I had years and years of clothes and some that I don't even wear anymore.  Well I now have two bags full of clothes to donate and I know there's more where that came from.  I could sell them but sometimes it's easier to just donate and there is always someone that has less that you if you think about it.  Think about the concept of paying it forward:  Sometimes it it your turn to receive help and sometimes it's your turn to give help.