Monday, January 27, 2020

Laws of Attraction

And the Lack Thereof

Do you know what I have realized about attraction?  You can be attracted to a person of poor character just as much as you are to a person of good character but depending your attraction wanes or grows...  Don't be an idiot!  Kick the person of poor character to the curb...  If you don't your regret will be tremendous...  Even if you do something stupid don't waste your entire life living with someone you don't respect...  When living with a sociopath you do whatever to get away...  Even if you don't live with them and they are just in your space, still get away...  Do you understand the inner working mind of a sociopath or others of like mind?  Walk away... 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Five People

That's It!

Take a look at the five people that you hang out with the most...  Guess what?  You are the sum of those five people...  Do any of them have any habits that you don't care for?  Then be careful because it is very easy to pick up a bad habit just as well as a good one.  So pick friends that you want to be like instead of ones you don't...

Monday, January 13, 2020

The People in Our Lives

And Our Reactions

We are all different in our own way...  Some people we get along with great but some people just bring out the worst in us.  Don't ask me why...  It's just the way we react...  If you think about it we have a tendency to hang out with people that bring out the best in us rather than the worst... 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

To The Least of These


Do you realize that most people are one paycheck away from total destitution?  In California where there is no rent control, rent can jump up $1000 and you no longer have an apartment because you weren't able to pay your rent...  What do you do when you see someone less off than yourself?  Do you hoard money while others have none?  Think about it...  What does that say about your values? 

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Whys

The Wise

Why do people act the way they do?  Sometimes you wonder why...  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why do creeps act like creeps?  Why is it that a creep feels that it's perfectly okay to act like a creep but it's not okay for you to give them what they deserve?  Oh no...  If you do that then they call you a &!#@%...  Well you know...  They can give it but they can't take it...

Thursday, January 9, 2020


For Oceans...

We are a world that embraces plastic...  But what happens to plastic when it drifts into the environment?  What can you do?  There is a non-profit that is doing their best to clean up the ocean:  One by one...  And it's growing...  Why not help them?

Sunday, January 5, 2020



Kindness is something that we are taught to do but what if your act of kindness results in some stranger stalking you?  Or liking you in a way that makes you uncomfortable?  It happens to a lot of us...  We try to be kind but signals get crossed and life gets awkward...

Recently I have been binge watching McLeod's Daughters which was a series featured on Australian television.  It's about life on a ranch and I think it's interesting how they portray so many different facets of really messy relationships.  Kindness gets mistaken for interest a lot...  I have to admit that this show is addictive.  There are parts that I speed through as I am not big on the occult...  The benefits of fast forward...  Oh well!  We all need down time...

Friday, January 3, 2020


Listen to the music!

I like listening to this station because there is a lot great inspirational music that is played.  Sometimes you hear songs that are haunting...  I love this melody...  We all go through storms in our lives...  As do our loved ones...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


A Brand New Year!

What do you do with a brand new year?  A year without mistakes or minutes wasted?  The most valuable thing is time and yet how many of us waste it every year, day, and minute?  Time wasted is never going to come back to you.  Don't waste it...