Monday, November 30, 2015

Are You in the Mood for Peanuts?

But Not Crackerjack...

When you think of the holidays, you also think of cartoons.  Especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas time.  Sharing your holidays with Charlie Brown and Snoopy is practically a tradition.  Woodstock too!  Then there are all the Santa Claus specials.  Hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner.  

Sunday, November 29, 2015

"C is for Cookie!"

"That's Good Enough For Me!"

So being that we just ate a bunch of food for Thanksgiving, why is it that I'm thinking of cookies lately?  How about you?  Something sweet, something chocolatey, and definitely something gooey!  Yum!

Do you know what Betty Crocker did?  They gave us an awesome way to make cookies fast.  All you need to do is go buy your favorite cake mix, add in eggs, oil, and vanilla...  and there you have it!  Cookie dough!  Then you just stick them in the oven to bake and mmmmm...  Really good cookies!  

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Insanity of...

Black Friday...

Has just moved to Thursday!  So exactly what were you doing out?  I had a nice turkey dinner with my family and friends where we all contributed by making our favorite dishes.  And then I headed out to the stores to catch a deal or two.  I guess if you think about it, wouldn't you rather walk off some of the turkey and stuffing and sleep in on Friday?  Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving Day!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

What Are You Thankful For?

Friends & Family

No, it's not a coupon.  So what do we call the holiday where everyone gets together to eat and sleep?  Thanksgiving, of course!  I am very thankful for the family that I have including all the new additions coming through.  I'm also very thankful for good friends who are there for you when the going gets rough.  At certain points in life you have to determine who your real friends are.  What's a frenemy really?  An enemy.  Not your true friend.  Use wisdom in who you are friends with because they do have the power to affect your life.

Have a Blessed & Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2015


Of the Animal Kingdom

I was at the zoo recently and saw the baby lions roaming around with their lioness mother.  They were licking each other every which way and I do mean every which way, if you get my drift.  So then they finally reach their dad who is supposedly the king of the jungle... except that he is very submissive when it comes to his wife who is the mother of his children.

The kids rush to the father.  He roars!  They run and hide.  The mother gets mad at the Dad who finally just sits morosely while his kids start biting his hair.  Interesting, huh?  It seems that having children is an adjustment no matter what species you are.  And mothers are always protective of their young.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Pain Relief

Ice, Ice, Baby!

What do you do for pain?  This is a great remedy:  Ice.  You just buy little Dixie cups and fill them halfway with water than pop them in the freezer.  Then anytime you have a "boo-boo" you take one out, tear off the extra paper and massage it into your knee, your back, etc.  However use common sense and don't put it just anywhere.  And when I say "boo-boo" it's because kids get them all the time but for adults it can be for temporary or chronic pain.  So ice, ice, baby!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Deer in Headlights...


Sometimes it happens!  You are driving along a road at night and all of a sudden you see deer in your headlights.  It happened to me tonight.  Then one of the deer began to run and I was thinking please do not run toward me.  You'd think if a deer hit a car then the deer would be hurt but deer can make some serious damage.  However they also get hurt too!  Always be careful when crossing with deer! 

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Is it really November?

And what do I want to do most?  Sleep!  I gotta tell you but I actually crave sleep right now!  A lot!  There's something about the cooler weather that makes you want to curl up in bed with a good book...  Or listen to music...  Or watch a good movie!  Or really just plain sleep!  Especially if you are always on the go!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Catch Some ZZZzzzz...

Because you really need to!

ZZZzzzz...  Do you find yourself in the busy rat race of life trying to do too much?  Sometimes yes!  This past weekend was no exception.  I had work stuff going on...  and family stuff going on...  and still trying to deal with the time change.  That extra hour is really deceiving because it gives you the extra hour but oh do you really feel it!  ZZZzzzz...  I just gotta just because...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Food for Rest

Comfort Foods

When you think of comfort, what kinds of foods do you think of?  I think of chicken noodle soup, fried rice, and duk gook.  What is duk gook?  It's rice cake soup.  It's native to Korea and it's something that you eat on New Year's Day.  If you love spicy foods you may think this is pretty bland but I love it.  If I don't feel good then I want to eat this.  Yummy!