Thursday, June 21, 2018

Don't Kill the Messenger...

Shaking My Head

There are two types of people on this earth, well maybe three...  The ones that want to know and the ones that don't want to know...  The truth that is...  Then there may be some undecided ones out there that maybe want to know but are too scared to find out...  The decisions we make are based on truth:  The truth as we know it...  If you knew the real truth about some of the people in your life wouldn't that make a difference?  About the decisions you make?  Everybody deserves to live a life based in truth but with so many people telling lies how does that impact the rest of us?  Something to think about...   

June Roses

A Summer Memory

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Finding Someone

Finding Yourself

Everyone is so concerned with finding that perfect someone irregardless of who they are that fail to realize that maybe they are not who or where they should be.  So many people think as long as that person is cute or has money that that is the only thing they need.  Not!  You have to go a lot deeper than that.  You need to have shared values and shared interests.  You have to be comfortable in your own skin.  You can't be a chameleon.  Chameleons are false positives.  You can't keep up that act forever.  If you know someone is not for you then let them go.  Why go through a lifetime together only to realize that you settled?  I remember someone telling me that her fiancee asked her on their wedding day if she really wanted to get married.  Of course she said yes.  So they got married, had kids, and then when the kids were grown he divorced her.  Believe me if you are not with the right one let them go so you can meet the right one.  You want to be with someone who really wants to be with you.  Not someone who was just hum ho.  Don't you think?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Being a Dad

A Good Dad...

Being a good Dad has nothing to do with the biological.  Why do I say this?  Because how many women have had children only to be terrible mothers?  I remember seeing one mother hit her own child when he was just six months old because he touched her make up...  Like how was he supposed to know this?  And if you have to wear make up then what does it say about your looks and your values towards vanity?  When neighbors and other people start making comments about a mother's treatment towards her child then you know exactly the type of person she is:  An evil one... 

A father has rights to his child just as much as the mother does:  Equal rights and more if the Dad is good and the Mom is bad.  What kind of a woman manipulates the people around her so that she is in control of everything?  She has her friends lie for her and tells lies to everyone so that she can have her cake and eat it too.  I have overheard a number of times a friend telling her other friend "I told your husband what you told me to tell him."  Which is why he believes his wife.  Mark my words,  God's wrath is going to come down on this one for her mistreatment of her husband and her child.  

Happy Father's Day if you are a good Dad!  If you are not then "boo hiss hiss!"  And an additional "boo hiss hiss" if you're a mean Mom!  This Mom needs to be kicked to the curb...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Judgement Day

Is it coming?

Is there a day that we will regret the genesis of eavesdropping Alexa?  Are we living in the days of George Orwell?  Are we being watched?  Drones are coming...  Is our humanity being compromised?  What is your digital footprint saying about you?  Do you know?  What happens on the day of judgement?

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Crocodile Tears

Not Being Genuine

Have you ever seen someone cry and felt sorry for them only to realize that it was just an act?  Some women are very good at fake crying.  I would say the same for men except that it's not as common to see them cry.  Doesn't it make you wonder about people that are not genuine?  They only care about appearances and not about what's real...  Personally I don't understand shallow people.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


A True Story

If you love sailing then you will love parts of this movie but you will also be saddened by the difficult parts.  It's similar to Titanic in regards to the love relationship between the main characters.  Falling in love was the easy part but letting go is always hard.  If you're looking for a cathartic movie then this would be it:  Especially the music...

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Triple Crown

It doesn't happen often but it does happen when a horse wins three famously important races:  The Kentucky Derby, the Belmont, and the Preakness...  Which is what Justify did.  Another horse named Secretariat also won the Triple Crown.  The movie is a must see... 

Saturday, June 9, 2018



So earlier this week I was watching River Monsters and got the surprise of my life.  Did you know that catfish can grow to be bigger than humans and in fact eat humans?  Yuck!  Death by catfish...  Who would have "thunk" it?  Learn something new everyday...  Thanks Jeremy Wade for telling me something I didn't want to know...

Friday, June 8, 2018

All Hubcaps...

End Up in Heaven!

Hubcap Heaven...  No seriously!  This is a great place to get a hubcap...  because sometimes you just can't find a place locally...  Or the local place has gone out of business.  The Dad of one of my best friends found it for me...  Thank goodness for friends and family!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Fifty is the New Thirty

Eighty is the New Forty

It seems the decade between the 30's and 40's has now increased by thirty years to cover the life span between the 50's to 80's.  At least in some circles...  Not everyone believes this and it has sparked some controversy.  However people are living longer and in some cases much better.  Plus the things that used to bother you when you were younger no longer bother you now...  You know?

Monday, June 4, 2018

The Matrix

A Revelation...

If you have ever watched The Matrix series then you see the progression of Neo's realization that he is The One.  In life, we go through the daily grind thinking that we need to be working a nine to five job to pay our bills etc. because that is what we are supposed to do...  But what if an alternative presented itself that shattered all the laws known to modern man?  For instance, the miracle...  People everyday get cured of diseases that boggle the medical mind...  Why?  Because medically they know that an incurable disease is terminal and results in death and there is nothing in science that can explain the miracle.  And yet it happens...  Are we living in the matrix