Thursday, April 29, 2021

National Zipper Day


What would we do without zippers?  We would probably be using velcro or strings, right?  Or making use of a lot of elastic...  Thank goodness that there are people that invent really useful inventions...  So what is the real question?  To zip or not to zip...

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Movie Anyone...

Do you believe in miracles?

Looking for a good movie to watch?  Then watch this one:  The Girl Who Believed in Miracles.  I watched it with a friend of mine and found myself crying towards the end.  Seeing a miracle happen for someone else gives us hope that we will experience one...

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Did you...

Poop today?

More and more people are wondering why they are feeling sluggish, bloated, etc.   Did you know that fecal matter can weigh between 10 to 40 pounds of your body weight?  That is a lot of extra bulk to be carrying around...  So it's up to you...  Do you let it go?  Or hang on to it?  

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


National Poetry Month

How do I love thee?  Sound familiar?  Elizabeth Barrett Browning...  Poets of yore had a way of putting words together that we really don't nowadays... 

How are you doing?  Why not write a poem this month?  After all this is the month for poetry...