Thursday, July 30, 2015

Far from the Madding Crowd

Chick Flick

Sometimes you just need a movie break and being that I enjoy movies from the BBC, I thought I would watch this one with some chickie chums.  It's based off of a novel by Thomas Hardy and I think most gals would appreciate.  I have to admit that in this movie guys propose for "reasons" known only to them.

The three guys are representative of various types of guys out there.  So why did it take her so long to fall for the right guy?  Unfortunately we gals do sometimes make mistakes that take us down the path with the wrong guy.  I dated someone like that once:  The wrong guy.  It was very brief but I am so glad I am not with him now.  


Help the Children

There are many children in this world that have to do without:  Without food, medical supplies, family, etc.  Why do you suppose that is?  Check out what Esther is doing in the Jungles of the Peten!  She is personally doing her part for this 501(c)(3) organization.  I admire those who work as missionaries and medical staff all over the world.  Remember, be a champion!  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Being Part of a Family

All Brothers & Sisters

When I was younger I had many friends who were not Christians and friends who were.  I asked my Dad how it was that my Christian friends would go to heaven and my non-Christian friends would not even though my non-Christian friends were sometimes nicer than my Christian ones.  You know what I mean.  This is what my Dad told me:

Say for instance I decided to move.  Who would I take with me?  You and your siblings because you are my children or the neighbor's kids because they're better than you guys?  I would take you because you're mine.  It has nothing to do with who's better but has everything to do with being mine.

This explanation actually made sense to me.  Does it make sense to you?  Are you a part of the family?  It's a choice.  You have to want to be.

Sunday, July 26, 2015


and Grace

This is how mercy and grace were explained to me...

Say you were caught speeding, you know you deserved a ticket, however the police officer decided to let you go with just a warning.  That's mercy because you know you deserved the ticket but the police officer forgave you.

Now let's say that you were stopped for speeding but not only did the police officer let you go with a warning but he gave you a thousand dollars because you were the 50th person he caught speeding that day.  That is grace!

God gives us mercy and grace even when we don't deserve it!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Being Mortal

And Knowing It!

There's nothing like going through a Murphy's Law Month to make you realize how mortal you are, but then there's nothing like going through all that and coming out the other side and realizing how blessed you really are.  Remember those spider bites?  Well I'm finding out ever so much about brown recluse spider bites.  They can be fatal and most people end up in the hospital.  Some even die.  So...  I was really fortunate because even though I got bitten four times I was fine for the most part.  I didn't even go to the doctor's because we all get bitten by mosquitoes and other insects especially in the summer and I didn't think it was necessary.  Boy what a month!  Thank God for taking care of me!

For any insect bite, try alternating between calamine lotion and aloe vera gel.  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

My Broken Heel

Not everything happens the way you want it to...

I remember a party I went to not too long ago.  I got dressed up but the dress was longer than I thought.  So I looked for some platform shoes in my closet.  I had a pair that I hadn't worn in forever and put them on to wear at the party.  Well, in the course of the night, first one heel collapsed, then the other.  A friend of mine came up to me and asked me if I wanted my heel back.  I guess that happens sometimes with shoes you have.  I never would have thought it had I not seen it happen.  

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Oedipus Rex

Ever read this story?  Sometimes in life, by trying to avoid what you most want to avoid, you fall right into it.

I heard about a guy that was told what day he would die.  As the day got closer and closer he became so stressed out worrying about how he was going to die that he ended up killing himself on that day.  How tragic is that?  

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Missing the Boat

Saturday Outing

A friend and I were supposed to go out on the water today but we were late and never got together with the others we were supposed to meet.  This is literally what you call "missing the boat."  Unfortunately it happens in life a lot.  Do you find yourself missing the boat more often than not?  Why do you?  Something to think about.  

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Life Happens!

Remember when I was talking about spider and mosquito bites?  Well, I got bit by a brown recluse spider more than once, then I got stung by a wasp, then I ate a turkey sub and got sick!  Sick like in breaking out in hives all over...  I'm on the mend now but have been sadly out of commission in more ways than one!  Hope you have been faring better than I have these past few days.  

Monday, July 6, 2015

When Nothing Goes Right...

Go Left...

I was speaking to someone on the phone recently and we chuckled over this favorite saying.  I think we all have our good and bad days.  I know I definitely have times when it seems like nothing goes right:  These I call my Murphy's Law days.  There's this guy I listen to on the radio sometimes and he always ends his broadcasts with, "Be kind to everybody, because everyone's having a tough time" or something like that.  These times are tough what with what's going on in our world today and kindness is something that is in short supply.  So be kind to someone today!  Not everyone has a champion and you have the power to make or break someone's day!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

California Not

San Andreas Fault

What might be "the thing" to never make you want to move to California?  Total devastation!  That's what!  Just watch the movie, San Andreas, and you might be thinking...  Midwest is not so bad after all!  

Another movie that is about total devastation is The Impossible.  You think that you're having a bad day?  After watching these, you will realize that you're having a great day!  I guarantee it!  Don't take a day that you live for granted because for some people, tomorrow is their last day!