Sunday, May 31, 2015

Last May Day

Not Really an SOS!

So...  where did this month go?  Are you as surprised as I am that it's the end of May?  Tomorrow is June and summer's going to be here soon.  If you're looking for some summer ideas then check out The Old Farmer's Almanac.  I for one am looking forward to days hanging out poolside and catching some musical venues.  Good-bye May!  It's time for June!

Friday, May 29, 2015

I Gotta, Gotta, Gotta...

Have a Vacation!

My life is topsy-turvy and busy all the time!  I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere.  And then I sign up to do more stuff.  I think I'm a sucker for punishment.  Why?  Why?  Why?

This is why it's always a good idea to just breathe!  Because without air we would not be here. Know what I mean?  Jelly bean!  Or is it silver bean?  Ever seen that silver bean in Chicago?  Aka Cloud Gate!  What a bean!  Right?

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Windy Daze

Don't you love breezy days?

I love driving with the windows rolled down and the wind flipping through my hair.  Don't you?  Or are you one of those people that have to have their hair look perfect?  Life's too short to waste on perfection.  Go for the experience and the freedom.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Is Tired a State of Mind?

I only ask this because things have been so crazy busy lately.  Ever notice how things always happen at the same time?  Things are either too busy or not at all.  It's so hard to achieve the perfect medium in life.  I don't even know where May went.  I can't believe that winter left just so spring could arrive but now we're speed jumping to summer?  Already?  Really?  Why?  Life...

This is what I want to do...  Zzzzzzz...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Summer in February

A True Story

This is for all you romantics out there...  Ever hear of the artist AJ Munnings?  He was a famous artist in his time.  He and his best friend fell in love with the same woman.  Unfortunately for her, she married the wrong guy and ended up taking poison while pregnant with her lover's child.  I watched this movie on DVD recently and thought it was tragic.  Very much like Romeo and Juliet.

Couples who fall in love and actually marry each other are fortunate because really not everyone marries who they really want to.  For instance, think about shot gun weddings, falling for someone from the wrong side of the tracks, arranged marriages, just plain settling...  The list goes on and on.  It's always amazing to me that people try to force someone they want into a relationship with them even when that person really doesn't want it.  Then you wonder why there are so many divorces.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sometimes I Just Need to Laugh...

Happy Retirement David Letterman!

Don't you have days when you just need a good laugh?  Over the years, I've watched David Letterman, Johnny Carson, Conan O'Brien, Saturday Night Live and many others...  Every so often I'll catch Jimmy Fallon and if I stay up later, then Seth Meyers.  I watched part of David Letterman tonight as he is retiring very soon.  He received a standing ovation from his audience and Jimmy Fallon said some nice things about him too.  It's like an end of an era when you see someone retiring.  Best of Luck Mr. Letterman!

Friday, May 15, 2015


What's the Real Secret?

Recently I was listening to a message by Dr. Charles Stanley on kindness.  Do you realize that this trait is one of the most sought after?  If you are kind, you will attract many friends.  Popularity doesn't have as much to do with looks or being beautiful.  People are drawn to people who are truly kind.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Nature's Twist

Hey Kids!  There's a New Lemonade in Town

I love drinking lemonade and discovered a new brand this past year called Nature's Twist.  It began in bottle form and I was hoping it would come out in cans which it recently did.  So refreshing!  Could drink this all day!

By the way, did you know that lemonade is great if you have kidney stones?  Doctors say to drink a can a day.  I came across a website one time about a guy with kidney stones.  He named his stones agony, pain, and misery.  Stay pain-free!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Mother's Legacy

Living By Example

My Mom was one of the best examples that I have of a person with abiding faith.  She read her Bible everyday and prayed for all of us kids alongside my Dad.  She never tried to push religion down our throats but just provided us with a loving atmosphere of unconditional love.  She hurt when we hurt and comforted us when we needed comfort.  I'm not sure how she was able to do everything she did considering.

She was also very talented.  I think my sister and I got maybe one-third each of her talent.  There are things my sister can do that our Mom taught her that I can't do and vice versa.  I still miss her cooking.  She was someone worth knowing and I'm glad I got to know her for the time I did.  She passed away a long time ago but I will always remember her and can't wait to see her again in heaven.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Impossible

Be a Good Samaritan, Why Don't You?

Have you ever watched a movie and thought you actually went through the experience too?  I remember watching The Impossible.  It is a movie based on the true story of a family that survived Thailand's horrific tsunami of 2004.  I watched this movie and was horrified by what I saw:  The horror and the tragedy that befell this country.

Nepal is currently going through a horrific tragedy caused by their latest earthquake.  Samaritan's Purse is trying to make a difference by helping these victims.  It's finding out about other's stories that you realize how good you really have it.  Why are you upset by a bad hair day or because your car won't start?  At least you have a place to live and a car to drive.  You could have nothing at all.

Monday, May 4, 2015

A Time to Act

What Rises?

Bread does!  Exactly what is BREAD and what does it do?  It's a large group of people from different faiths all working together for the common good.  Their focus this year is on mental health and crime.

Tonight they had a Nehemiah Action where they discussed some of their initiatives especially the creation of a clubhouse.  This is one of their largest events of the year and well-attended by many of their supporters.  Sadly certain political figures did not choose to attend. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Final Farewell

Women of Faith

It's always bittersweet to say good-bye to something that is the end of an era.  This event has been running for 20 years and even though I've only been a part of it for the last 4 years, I've really enjoyed the ones I've gone to because of the people I've met and the testimonies I've heard.  You will always need encouragement in your life and people to share the highs and lows with.  No man is an island and no woman is either.