Thursday, April 30, 2020

Our Nation...

And the COVID Crisis

Who would  have thought that 2020 would bring about such fear and anxiety as people go around in face masks and gloves?  How many germaphobes are loving this?  Because they get to wash their hands like they always do but get to see others do it as well?  As we know there are some people that never wash their hands after using the restroom.  You especially notice this in the workplace setting and avoid their contributions at office potlucks if you want to stay on the safe side.  However we do feel badly for all the people who have lost their lives during this scary time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lake Watch


Sometimes an ordinary day brings about not so ordinary experiences...  I was on a conference call by the lake this week when I saw someone catch a fish about eighteen inches long.  It was dark and shiny in the sunlight.  Then as I was wrapping up my conference call I heard bagpipes playing and then people howling at the moon.  This is the Southwest for you...