Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Geese Fly

So Why Do They Walk Across the Street?

Lately it seems that every time I try to drive somewhere I am being blocked by geese.  They seem to like hanging out in parking lots and walking across streets.  My question is if geese can fly then why do they walk in these single file lines across the street whenever you are trying to get somewhere?   Am I right?  Or am I right?  Right!?!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Burger Bites & Chicken Salad

Around the Town

What are some of your favorite foods?  I like pizza, burgers, and sliders aka mini-burgers...  Recently I met someone I know at a new place for lunch and tried the highly recommended Palace burger.  For a little burger it was not quite so little and was quite tasty.  This place is under new ownership and caters to an eclectic crowd.  Then I met some friends out in another area of town after checking out a museum featured in the newspaper and tried their Bistro burger:  Another tasty burger...  But when it comes to chicken salad I like Whole Foods and Huffman's Market.  If you're in the mood for yummy then these are places to go!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Anatomy of an Affair

What really happens?

Affairs of the heart happen often in the work setting.  This happened quite often at a company I used to work for years ago.  Two married people meet each other at work and realize that they have something in common with someone who is not their spouse.  They begin to confide in each other then spend time with each other until one day they go farther than they should.

They say they shouldn't, shouldn't, shouldn't...

but they couldn't, couldn't, couldn't resist...

So then what usually happens is the woman decides that she still loves her husband and she goes back to him.  However she then has to report the man she had the affair with as having harassed her.  He ends up getting fired.  And she cries because she knows she was at fault.  This scenario has happened time and time again.  A truly repentant person can maybe get past this however there are those that simply don't care and do it again and again irregardless of the curses they bring upon themselves and their children.

I have seen this happen again and again in the workplace.  People never learn...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Man or Beast?


There once was a fellow named Abraham Maslow who believed that our healthy being depended on a hierarchy of needs.  Each of us are on different levels of needs.  I have found that most people seem to get along best with others that are on the same level in Maslow's hierarchy.  Some people only care about their basic needs and get stuck there.  Others bypass the different levels to self-actualization. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Sore Loser

Like an Emotional Bully

We meet people everyday.  We say "hi" to people everyday.  We talk to people everyday but being nice is just being nice.  Don't read more into it.  Some people think that because you are talking to them that you are interested in them.  So then when they get too friendly they don't understand why you back off from them.  And then there are those that get very upset because you don't want to have a romantic relationship with them and they start stalking you.  Let go...  Let it go...  Let them go...  A healthy person always lets go.  According to an FBI profiler the people you need to watch for are the ones that are too controlling or the ones that don't let go. 

Monday, July 16, 2018

Be Courageous...

Dare I?

Have you ever heard the story of Daniel?  When push comes to shove what do you do?  Do you hold fast to your values or do you let things slide?  Sometimes it's hard to fly solo in a world of crowds...  Who is the most courageous?  There are those that risk their lives for others which is the ultimate price.   

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Chasing the Wind

Wit & Whimsy

Ever get into one of those moods where you decide to drive off into the country looking for flowers to take pictures of?  Really...  I'm serious because I get into those moods however sometimes I don't plan ahead like I should; like making sure that the flowers are actually in season.  However every mistake becomes a learning curve and it helps you from making the same mistake twice.  Happy Flower Hunting! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Duck Pond


Bad Seed

A Heart for Evil

Why is it that in this life we every so often come across a person that has evil in their heart?  Exactly what defines evil?  Evil is a person that cares about money more than other people...  As they say, "the love of money is the root of all evil."  Evil is wanting to control others, lying, manipulates, has no boundaries...  What do you do when you come across an evil person?  You simply let go...  You don't react...  You stop engaging...  And by the way, don't marry an evil person unless you want to live in a four-walled hell... 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Failure to Thrive

A Baby Needs Touch

I'm sorry to have to say this, but in this day of advanced technology, how many times do you see parents paying more attention to their phones than to their own children?  Do you realize what message you're sending to your children because you place more importance on your phone than to them?  It is worth the death of your child to spend more time with your technology?  Babies need touch in order to survive... 

I used to volunteer in the preemie ward of a children's hospital.  I would hold the babies and rock them.  One day I came in and found one of the babies missing.  I was told she had died because she had no family members who came to hold her.  I was dismayed because she had looked fine the day before.  I did not realize how important touch was to an infant until that happened.

A baby is smarter than you know and I have seen a baby with a sad look in his eyes because his parents weren't paying attention to him...  Oh that I could give him a hug!

Failure to Thrive...
Failure to Know...
Love through Touch...
Hug your Child!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th!

Red, White, & Boom...

Hope you had a Happy 4th of July with family and friends...  Some of course had to work...  However this weather really does not make you want to hang outside for very long with the heat indexes up as high as they have been...  Hopefully you find ways to stay cool whether you stay inside or somehow cool the outdoors...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

July Begins

One Hot Summer

Why is it that we never get to experience spring?  Why does winter jump right into summer?  And why summer where the humidity is high?  The heat index is high?  Bleah!  Well...  Unfortunately we are heading into the dog days of summer...  Good bye June!  Hello July!  Try to stay cool this week because you are really going to need to...