Monday, November 30, 2020

Half Empty

Half Full

Exactly how do we perceive our world today?  Especially since we have basically spent most of 2020 wearing masks?  I was listening to the radio say that 99.6% of people recover from covid.  Yet we have changed our whole lives for this...

Friday, November 27, 2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Let's Eat Out!

Like Outside I Mean..

When was the first Thanksgiving?  A very long time ago...  It was a gathering including Pilgrims and Indians...  And it was outside...  As due to COVID, we are very restricted in our holiday festivities this year...  Maybe we should just dress up as Pilgrims and Indians and eat out!!!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Know the Truth

 Setting You Free

 Remember George Orwell's 1984?  What if you lived in a world like that?  Would you trust the media?  Who would you trust?  Propaganda is usually for the masses...  Is it possible for our country to be taken over by propaganda?  It's happened to other countries...  Why not us? 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Survival Mode

Are we going to make it?

This year has gone by in a blur of masks and personal protective equipment...  I think I have seen more plastic than I ever want to see...  And think of all the waste because you can only use this material one time...  I'm sure somewhere there is a sea of blue and yellow plastic filling up our trash...  


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Melting Pot

We Call America

America has always been called the melting pot because of the many people from all over the world that have chosen to live their lives here...  We have been known as a place of freedom and free enterprise so it really makes no sense at all that a country like this would want to become like the other countries in the world...  Did all these people journey here only to have their children seek what they left behind?  Oh the stupidity of it all...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

It Ain't Over...

 Till It's Over...

We are still waiting, waiting, waiting...  In the meantime PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!  Hopefully we will know something by Friday.  This has been quite the year...  Roller coasting through one thing after another...  However when you think things will get better they can always get worse...  Never jump out of what you think is the frying pan... into the FIRE if you can help it...  

Monday, November 2, 2020

Tell Your Lazy Self

To Clean Your Mask

Make sure you wash your mask daily so that you are not wearing a dirty mask.  Otherwise why wear one?  Since that is kind of defeating the purpose...  Don't you think?  Wear your mask when appropriate...  But don't wear one to sleep...  unless appropriate...  

If you are asthmatic then be sure to use your nasal spray...  That gives you some added protection...  And wear glasses...  As that provides a protective barrier...