Friday, August 29, 2014


Have you ever been injured?

I remember that night very well.  There was no lighting and I fell down some stairs that were covered in snow.  Talk about an unfortunate set of events.  At any rate, I had to wear crutches for the very first time.  Prior to my broken foot, I remember looking at people with crutches and thinking how fun it looked to use them.  Then I got my first and only pair and boy did I change my mind really fast.  You have no idea how much pain you are in when you wear crutches.  I hope never again!  My brother took my crutches away.  I hope I never have to use crutches again.  However now when I see someone on crutches I really empathize with them.  It is not fun at all! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Such is life!


I woke up this morning with a list of things I needed/wanted to get done and everything went topsy-turvy on me.  I went here to do this and there to do that, and it was more like I was sitting in traffic and driving around all over the city, because nothing happened the way it was supposed to.  Now why do you think that is?  I should actually know better than to think that everything can go smoothly in one day. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar


Why have I been washing my produce lately in apple cider vinegar?  Do you remember that YouTube video I shared with you?  Well...  It's somewhat unappetizing to know that all the fruits and veggies you eat carry fecal matter.  Organic produce more so.  Bleah!

Do you remember the book Everybody Poops?  I remember going to a Christmas Party once where we had a white elephant gift exchange and the hottest commodities on the exchange were these two books:  Everybody Poops and The Gas We Pass!  These are great books if you are potty training your children.

You know, if you actually stop to think about it, every living being on this earth poops and passes gas.  Have you ever heard of the expression cropdusting?  Cropdusting is when you fart intentionally.  Remember what I said about intentions?  Well some people intentionally fart whereas some people just accidentally do it.  Remember it's all in the intentions. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Washing Fruits & Vegetables

Not sure if this is something you want to know...

I was at a money stretchers class tonight and we were told about a YouTube video.  Don't watch this if you get squeamish...  especially about germs...  It's not enough that you wash your fruits and veggies in water.  You may want to wash them in apple cider vinegar too.  Especially if you want to avoid bacteria and other kinds of stuff on your fresh produce. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Letters to God

What an inspiration!

Letters to God is based on a true story about a boy dying of cancer.  In the movie, he writes these letters to God which become an inspiration for the people that know him.  He writes these letters while sitting on his rooftop.  What a a tearjerker!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Egyptian Hieroglyphics...

Now what does that look like? 

Had an interesting discussion today about Egyptian Hieroglyphics.  If you look at the pictures, you will see what look like airplanes, helicopters and ufo's.  Ironic or what?  What does this tell us about the ancient Egyptians?  These are actual hieroglyphics that were carved a long time ago.  Definitely food for thought...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda!

Are there ever times that you think this?

Is it hard to believe that we are entering into the tail end of August?  Where did the summer go?  I know where my summer went...  Studying!  With snatches of study breaks.  Not to mention the odd job here or two.  That's what happens when you are working, going to school, and trying to figure out what you're planning to do with the rest of your life.  I had three major catastrophic events happen to me within a two year period and now I find myself considering choices:  of what to do and where...  Well!  I hope this is not a mid-life crisis! 

Now would be a good time to evaluate your New Year's goals and figure out if you've accomplished everything or anything you set out to do.  I'm taking little baby steps.  That's all you can do!  Just live one day at a time.  Set goals and dream dreams but live your life to the fullest because everyone is born and just about everyone dies and you may not have a tomorrow to live through.  Not everyone gets a tomorrow.  Which brings you to the question of eternity...  Do you know where you go when you die?  It's something to think about.

Monday, August 18, 2014



So you think about the divorce rate and how people simply are not staying together any longer.  But then you think about the people that manipulated their way into a relationship.  Do you know of someone that had to give an ultimatum to be in a marriage?  Or the person that had to play dirty?  If you had to play dirty to get the person you wanted then that person probably didn't really want to be in the relationship with you anyway.  That's the thing about free will.  God gives us free will to live our lives but you can imagine the resentment you feel towards someone that forced you against your will into a relationship.  That's called being selfish.  It's better to let someone go and let them come to you if it's meant to be.  It's sad to be so desperate that you have to force someone to love you.

I heard or read somewhere that relationships fall under these three categories:


You can either be living in a "slice of heaven on earth" or you can live in a "4-walled hell."  There is also the "status quo" which there are many of. Find someone that you have a shared passion with and that you enjoy being around.  Make sure the feeling is mutual!  One thing, don't ever settle!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A time for everything...

Everything is meaningless!

Have you ever read Ecclesiastes?  There is a time to do this and a time to do that...  but does it mean anything?  What about Robin Williams?  The whole world mourns him at his passing.  Why did he do what he did?  He made the world laugh but could he make himself laugh?  

Friday, August 15, 2014

De La Salle Spartans

When the Game Stands Tall

A friend invited me to a premiere showing of this football movie which I went to recently.  This movie is about a coach that taught his players how to care about each other and promoted teamwork as opposed to self-glory.  I also watched Draft Day a while back.  Who'd a thunk that I would be watching football movies? 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What's refreshing and yummy?

From the land down under no less...

Have you heard of Bundaberg's ginger beer?  It's sold at World Market as well as Costco and uniquely delicious.  It's a non-alcholic ginger ale that my siblings introduced me to.  They also have other non-alcholic fizzy drinks like peachee which is a personal favorite.

Try them all!  You might just acquire the taste!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


 Let's float...

You either love it or you hate it!  I have friends that get seasick.  Fortunately, I don't.  I have loved boats ever since I got on my first one.  In fact, I love anything that has to do with water or floats on water if I can be on it.  Remember the Christopher Cross song Sailing?  I have loved sailing ever since I took my first lesson on one.  I remember my first two sailing partners were Regis and Gavin ironically because they have sailor-type names.  So ahoy there matey!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Body Shop

Scents away!

Have you ever been in The Body Shop?  It smells so good!  I especially love their satsuma brand which is a Japanese name for a citrus fruit.  Plus they have so many other scents in lotions, body butters, shampoos, etc.  Yum! Yum!  Yum!  I stopped in one time with my sister and friends and won a free $100 worth of whatever I wanted.  Talk about a nice win!  I don't usually win anything but that day was a good day!  :)

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Summer Daze

What would summer be like if you couldn't hang out at a pool now and then, working on your tan and taking a dip in a cool blue pool?  There's something simply relaxing with floating on your back and letting yourself go.  It would be a poor summer if you didn't get to a pool just a few times:  Read outside, do your homework outside, go to an outdoor concert...  Autumn is not far behind.  Already the leaves are beginning to change color. 

Saturday, August 9, 2014


What's relaxing?

Reading a good book...  Swimming outside enjoying the sun and water...  Eating comfort foods...  Watching your favorite movie...  Taking a nap...  Guess what?  It's Saturday!  Time to enjoy your weekend and relax!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Are we just a world of emoticons?  :)

It's amazing the technology we have today.  We can research information right at our fingertips.  We can email someone across the globe.  We can text someone across the country or someone we're standing right next to.  No matter what...  use the technology but don't forget the human touch.  Do something outside with a person and forget you have a phone.  You have a life so make the most of it!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Common Core

What does this stand for?

Do you know what common core is?  It is the present curriculum standard that is being taught to kids.  If you have children, then you may want to find out more about what this is, and how this will affect our kids today and tomorrow.

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Underwear Marathon

What will they come up with next?

Did you know that there's a marathon that you run in your skivvies?  That was a new one for me too!  Evidently it happens in different parts of the world.  They are running for a good cause but I think it is a race that not everyone can run in.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Country Gospel

You never know...

I'm not what you would call a country gal but last night I found myself listening to some country gospel music.   Turns out a lot of country music stars began by singing gospel songs.  I actually got into it.  When it comes to music, I enjoy most except rap and heavy metal.  At one time I was not a big country music fan either but I think country has been growing on me.  Howdy pardner!  :)