Monday, May 2, 2016

Won't You Be! Please Won't You Be?

Please won't you be my neighbor...

NOT!!!  Ever have a neighbor that you didn't care for?  Sometimes I think I am cursed with bad neighbors.  They don't seem to have a life and they open their doors when I open mine.

I had one that used to open up my mail and paste it to my door.  Why? 

Another one used to have people drop by after midnight and they would have arguments outside my door.  Doesn't that make you wonder? 

My most recent one is a stinky butt.  That's my nickname for smokers.  Think about it!  You'll figure it out. 

Don't get me wrong, I like people as a general rule but not in all situations.  There are times when I just want solitude.  We all need times when we like to be by ourselves.  Don't you think?