Friday, December 16, 2016

What's Up Doc?

Idiot Roll Call

So not too long ago someone I know told me that a pediatrician told her that it's ok for a child to have a lot of colds because it helps prevent the child from getting leukemia.  Like really?  I know a nurse that works in the same hospital as the said pediatrician and neither she nor the others she works with have ever heard that.  Just make sure when you choose your doctor, choose wisely because there are a lot of quacks out there.  Heaven forbid you take your child to a doctor that is a total idiot.  For the most part I choose my doctors very wisely.  Because in this day and age you have to. 

There was a pediatrician in the news that lost his license because the FBI took down a child pornography site in Florida and he was a frequent visitor.  Seriously!  Be careful because choosing the wrong doctor can be fatal to your child or at the very least detrimental to your child's mental, physical, and/or emotional health.