Wednesday, February 18, 2015

When Harry Met Sally

The Age Old Question:  Can Men & Women Be Friends?

According to Harry in the movie, men and women can't be friends because of you know what!  What do you think?

I think back on the guy friends I've had (and I like having my guy friends) however I will admit that even with your guy friends there is a friend chemistry between the two of you if that make sense?  I will say that perception and perspective do not always line up though.  I remember telling one of my guy friends that I liked another guy and he broke up with me.  The thing is that I had no idea we were even dating.  That's what I mean when I say perception.  Eventually we made up and he is now happily married and living out of state.  I wish him all the happiness in the world and will always remain fond of him.

I think ultimately there is friendship between the sexes until one of you likes the other more and it's simply not reciprocal to the point that it gets awkward.