Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Pre-Valentine's Message

Advice to the Lovelorn...

So are you still single?  Are you wondering why?   Is it that you're too picky or not picky enough?  Here are some ways that you can meet someone.  I have either experienced this or someone I know has told me about it. 

For men: 

You could leave your number under her windshield...  granted she may wonder how you knew it was her car but stalking is all the rage now.  (I'm kidding, of course!  Please don't stalk.)

You could go to a bookstore and hit on every woman there until you find one that says "yes" to you.

You could push her in a lake. 

You could propose marriage to her. 

You could proposition her but if she gives you "that look" you'd better follow up with a quick proposal.  (Not that she would say yes!  And I personally would not recommend you try this in the first place.)

(Unfortunately, I would like to give better advice for men but I have heard from a number of women that have told me that for men, it's a numbers game.  It almost doesn't matter which one as long as we say yes.  And men wonder why they have such a hard time finding women!?!) 

If you're one of good guys then please disregard this.   

For women:

You can let a guy know you're interested by flirting with him.

Don't ever chase a guy!  You may end up with the guy but you will not want him.

If a guy wears a wedding ring, stay away!  If he hides his wedding ring, stay away!

If you are dating a guy and you notice him hiding behind shelves and is stalking you, stay away! 

Unfortunately there are a lot of men you may need to stay away from.    

Also don't stalk men!  Never stalk men!  

Don't ever let a man walk all over you!

For everyone:

Don't ever date someone on the rebound.  Don't date yourself if you are on the rebound.  Believe me!  You will be making a huge mistake and your decisions will fall under the category of dumb and stupid.

Don't settle!   

They say when you know, you know!  You know?

Above all, put God first and the rest will follow...  personally I know of some guys out there that are simply not husband material.  I would rather not date than to be married to one of them.  However there are also very nice guys out there.  You just have to go through a lot of frogs. 

On average for every fifty gals/guys you meet, you will probably only like ONE.  Sometimes you will keep running into someone and sometimes you will only get to meet them once.  For all my married friends out there, they met their special someone because of all kinds of scenarios but that's the thing about love stories.  They're all unique and I like hearing about how people fell in love.