Thursday, February 19, 2015

My Brother's Keeper...

And Then Some!

Do you know someone in your life that likes to play god?  Someone that likes to control, orchestrate and manipulate the people around them?  Sometimes having friends is good and sometimes it's not.  The friends you want to have are the ones that are happy for you no matter what:  Not friends that want to see you suffer because they're unhappy.  You have a choice to make friends that bring you up to their level or friends that drag you down to theirs.  Jealousy and pettiness runs rampant in our society and people have hidden agendas for doing what they want to do.

I think it's ironic and God gives us free will but some of the people in our lives do not.  Even God doesn't play god with our lives.  We all have free will to do whatever we want.  He's not stopping us.  It's a choice we make to live our lives the way we live our lives.

So when it comes to friends, choose wisely...  We all have our inner circle and then our fun friends and acquaintances.  Friends come in all colors, shapes, and sizes.  I think it's nice to have a good variety but just know who you can trust and who you can't.