Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda!

Are there ever times that you think this?

Is it hard to believe that we are entering into the tail end of August?  Where did the summer go?  I know where my summer went...  Studying!  With snatches of study breaks.  Not to mention the odd job here or two.  That's what happens when you are working, going to school, and trying to figure out what you're planning to do with the rest of your life.  I had three major catastrophic events happen to me within a two year period and now I find myself considering choices:  of what to do and where...  Well!  I hope this is not a mid-life crisis! 

Now would be a good time to evaluate your New Year's goals and figure out if you've accomplished everything or anything you set out to do.  I'm taking little baby steps.  That's all you can do!  Just live one day at a time.  Set goals and dream dreams but live your life to the fullest because everyone is born and just about everyone dies and you may not have a tomorrow to live through.  Not everyone gets a tomorrow.  Which brings you to the question of eternity...  Do you know where you go when you die?  It's something to think about.