So you think about the divorce rate and how people simply are not staying together any longer. But then you think about the people that manipulated their way into a relationship. Do you know of someone that had to give an ultimatum to be in a marriage? Or the person that had to play dirty? If you had to play dirty to get the person you wanted then that person probably didn't really want to be in the relationship with you anyway. That's the thing about free will. God gives us free will to live our lives but you can imagine the resentment you feel towards someone that forced you against your will into a relationship. That's called being selfish. It's better to let someone go and let them come to you if it's meant to be. It's sad to be so desperate that you have to force someone to love you.
I heard or read somewhere that relationships fall under these three categories:
You can either be living in a "slice of heaven on earth" or you can live in a "4-walled hell." There is also the "status quo" which there are many of. Find someone that you have a shared passion with and that you enjoy being around. Make sure the feeling is mutual! One thing, don't ever settle!