Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar


Why have I been washing my produce lately in apple cider vinegar?  Do you remember that YouTube video I shared with you?  Well...  It's somewhat unappetizing to know that all the fruits and veggies you eat carry fecal matter.  Organic produce more so.  Bleah!

Do you remember the book Everybody Poops?  I remember going to a Christmas Party once where we had a white elephant gift exchange and the hottest commodities on the exchange were these two books:  Everybody Poops and The Gas We Pass!  These are great books if you are potty training your children.

You know, if you actually stop to think about it, every living being on this earth poops and passes gas.  Have you ever heard of the expression cropdusting?  Cropdusting is when you fart intentionally.  Remember what I said about intentions?  Well some people intentionally fart whereas some people just accidentally do it.  Remember it's all in the intentions.