Saturday, July 7, 2018

Failure to Thrive

A Baby Needs Touch

I'm sorry to have to say this, but in this day of advanced technology, how many times do you see parents paying more attention to their phones than to their own children?  Do you realize what message you're sending to your children because you place more importance on your phone than to them?  It is worth the death of your child to spend more time with your technology?  Babies need touch in order to survive... 

I used to volunteer in the preemie ward of a children's hospital.  I would hold the babies and rock them.  One day I came in and found one of the babies missing.  I was told she had died because she had no family members who came to hold her.  I was dismayed because she had looked fine the day before.  I did not realize how important touch was to an infant until that happened.

A baby is smarter than you know and I have seen a baby with a sad look in his eyes because his parents weren't paying attention to him...  Oh that I could give him a hug!

Failure to Thrive...
Failure to Know...
Love through Touch...
Hug your Child!