Monday, May 28, 2018


Bold Malibu...

So I was listening to the radio a while ago:  A mother had called in about her daughter who was having an affair with a married man and having his child to boot.  The daughter was also married and had previous children with her present husband.  This woman who I will call Bold Malibu did not see anything wrong with her behavior whatsoever...

I have to admit that I was appalled.  I am a woman but I don't think that her attitude was correct.  What was wrong with her?  I think most women would rather be the cherished wife rather than the other woman.  Think about it...  One man thinks you are special enough to marry whereas the other man thinks you are easy pickings.  I mean no brainer, right?  What was she thinking that she was doing the right thing in any way, shape, or form?  If I were this woman's husband then I would have just kicked her to the curb because even God allows divorce for this reason.

However God also chooses some people to be like Hosea.  Hosea married a prostitute.  Need I say more?  Each and every person who is in this situation has to choose how they would react in this situation.

Remember the story of the prodigal?  In each situation we are either the Father, the Runaway Son, or the Elder brother.  Which are you?  In some cases, Bold Malibu repents but in others she simply doesn't care...  The non-repentant Bold Malibu goes to hell...  And don't you think otherwise.  Unfortunately a good man can be ruined by a wicked woman and vice versa...  which is why we have so many broken people walking around looking for love or no strings...