Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Life on the Run

Busy is Too Busy

Ever have a day that you were too busy to eat?  Sometimes I do which is why I usually try to take one day and make a bunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and stack them in the fridge.  For one thing they're easy to make.  For another, you are getting your protein fix and will probably lose weight in the bargain.  Plus peanut butter and jelly is comfort food, don't you think?

Like I keep saying, time is the most valuable commodity you have, so spend it wisely: 

Group your errands in one part of town so you are not driving willy nilly all over the place. 
Drive when it's not rush hour. 
Spend time with your family. 
Breathe in, breathe out... 
Go watch a sunset.
Spend time with friends.
Read a good book! 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day!

A Day to Remember...

Those that have gone on before.   Have you been to a gravesite recently?  There are flags flying and flowers decorating the landscape everywhere you look.  You stand before a block of stone commemorating someone who is no longer living among the living but lying underneath the ground. 

I remember the day my Dad was buried.  It was a gray day and there was a large turnout.  My Dad was loved and well-respected by many.  Right after the pastor delivered the eulogy the clouds parted and the sun beamed down right on my father's casket.  It was as if God was saying in his own way:  "Well done!"

What happens in the hereafter?  Does the soul truly exist?  An experiment was done where a body was weighed before and after death.  Many bodies were weighed and it was proved that after death, each body lost some weight.  Was this the weight of the soul?  And where the body resides, the soul does not.  Where is your soul headed for?  I wonder?

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Chicken & Potatoes

Yesterday I found out about a new way to cook chicken from a family member...

First you marinate the chicken in your favorite marinade by just shaking it in a Ziploc bag and throwing it in the fridge.  My favorite is Italian dressing.  Then you cut up your potatoes, carrots, and onions and lay on foil over a cooking pan.  When the chicken marinade is ready you add to the cooking sheet and then drizzle olive oil, salt, and pepper over everything and pop into the oven at 400 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.

And there you have it!  Bon Appetit!  :)

(If you want, you can add other veggies too!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bad Samaritan

Good Samaritan

If you witnessed something horrific, would you have the courage to speak out and seek to help?  Sometimes it's very insightful to find out how things came to be.  For instance, have you ever thought about 911 and how it came to existence?  Why not listen and find out? 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Stealth Stalking

Not a Way to Go About Meeting a Person

So you see someone you're interested in...  However instead of just walking up to them and introducing yourself you just go and invade their personal space, make circles around them, or just follow them around.  Following someone on social media is acceptable but in real life not so much.  You will end up creeping the person out. 

So really if you are interested in someone then just go talk to that person.  We are all people and no one will bite unless you hit on a cannibal.  Then your mistake!  You did not choose wisely!  :)

One thing to remember, not everyone you're interested in is interested in you.  So try and keep your EQ on alert so you don't keep hitting on someone that may not be interested in you.  Just like Cinderella, keep looking for the one that is right for you. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Photo Shoot

Spa Modeling

Not too long ago I helped a photographer with a spa photo shoot.  It was a one-of-a-kind experience as I usually take photos of flowers and nature more or less.  And the people pics I do take are more casual and candid in nature.  It's amazing how much detail goes into taking just one picture.  And you can take hundreds of pictures just looking for the right one.  Hair and makeup have to be perfect.  Lighting has to be just right.  Clothing and jewelry have to be adjusted.  I think what I found to be most remarkable were the eyes of the models.  The owners were very nice gentlemen.    

All in a Day's Work!  Depending on the type of job you have.  Explore and figure out what it is you want to do and maybe you'll find your dream job.  And in the meantime, try different things.  Experience life!  Whether you are a college student looking for your first job or a displaced worker who no longer has a job.  Life is what you make it and work is where you will spend or have spent a majority of your time so make sure that what you do is worth your time and energy.  You will never get back the time you lose.  So spend your time wisely.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Love is....

What's Love Got to Do With It?

This past weekend I attended a service by a local pastor and he talked about love.  How love can be surprising, grieving, jealous, and faithful.  But most of all, love can be incredible.  People are lonely and so settling becomes easy to do but think about missing out on the one you were really meant to be with.  It's like Cinderella.  If the glass slipper doesn't fit then it wasn't meant to fit.  So stop trying to fit you foot into a shoe that doesn't fit and find the one that does.   

Friday, May 13, 2016


The 13th

What a weird segment of time!  First the full moon then some odd happenings around town lately and on the internet.  Not Halloween but an odd time just the same.  It's times like these that I'm glad that I know who I belong to and where I belong.  There is security in knowing who is truly in control.  Do you know?  

Monday, May 9, 2016

A Gathering to Remember...


Yesterday was Mother's Day but my Mom is gone so instead I got together with other friends who also lost their Moms for dinner together.  It was a way to spend time together with people you care about and it was beautiful out.  We sat outside on a patio and just shared, laughed and released stress.  Hope your Mother's Day was a memorable one!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Weebles Wobble

But they don't fall down!

Unless they're babies.  Ever seen a baby learning to sit on its own and then just wobble over?  This is when it's a good idea to have pillows surrounding them.  If you have nieces, nephews, grandchildren, children, etc.  I hope you are getting to spend time with them.  They need to know you love them and they need to feel secure.  Remember being a baby?  Not really...  It was too long ago but you remember the coziness and security you felt if you had parents that really loved you.  The feeling is just like comfort food. 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Won't You Be! Please Won't You Be?

Please won't you be my neighbor...

NOT!!!  Ever have a neighbor that you didn't care for?  Sometimes I think I am cursed with bad neighbors.  They don't seem to have a life and they open their doors when I open mine.

I had one that used to open up my mail and paste it to my door.  Why? 

Another one used to have people drop by after midnight and they would have arguments outside my door.  Doesn't that make you wonder? 

My most recent one is a stinky butt.  That's my nickname for smokers.  Think about it!  You'll figure it out. 

Don't get me wrong, I like people as a general rule but not in all situations.  There are times when I just want solitude.  We all need times when we like to be by ourselves.  Don't you think?

Sunday, May 1, 2016

You Are Terminated!

The Terminator Series

Remember watching this?  I remember watching the beginning of this series when I was younger.  Talk about action and suspense.  Somewhere along the way I lost count.  Can you believe there are five movies in this series?  I was watching number three tonight while it was storming outside.  You sometimes wonder with the technology we have if this will ever become a reality.  What a way to kick May off!