Friday, October 25, 2019

Losing Weight

In Your 50's

Remember your younger self?  Sometimes it was effortless to look slim and trim but as you get older you start noticing the area around your stomach.  Instead of pinching an inch, it's like you pinched half a yardstick...  Ok so not really half a yardstick but you know what I mean...  The older you get the harder it is to get that belly fat to move.  A good rule of thumb is the 12 hour rule which is don't eat for 12 hours.  That means that if you eat at 7am then the last time you eat is 7pm and so on and so on.  Also start eating more protein and veggies and eat less starch.  If you're looking for a great workout then I recommend Gilad.  He has gotten older but still is in great shape!  Plus you get to look at scenic Hawaii!