Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Get a Life!

Why don't you?

I have to admit that one of my biggest pet peeves are people that don't have a life...  All they do is stay at home all day, everyday, and keep asking you why you are on the go so much...  Now don't get me wrong, relaxing is fine and I like to sleep in here and there and have a day to myself...  Especially when you are hanging out with people and on the go most of the time, you need to relax...  And I am not talking about the average homebody that just likes to stay at home...

However some people don't have a life so they don't have anything better to do than to follow you around!  Know what I mean?  This is why people stalk!  They have no life!  None at all!  Nada!  Nothing!  No way!  No how!  If they had a life then they wouldn't be following you around while you are living yours...  This is how stalkers originate..  Psst...  I'm talking about the scary kind...  If you get my drift...  Know what I mean?