Saturday, April 28, 2018

Shame On You...

Shame On Me...

Why do we put up with what we do?  Are you familiar with this saying?  Even God doesn't say we have to remain friends with someone that doesn't treat us right.  We can forgive but not be in relationship with someone that might hurt us or abuse us.  Sometimes people tell me that I let go of too many people but in reality I really don't if you consider the ones I keep.  Time being a valuable commodity you want to spend time with people who truly like and respect  you rather than people you belittle you or put you down.  Food for thought, don't you think?  What's the definition of insanity?  Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.  What's really ironic is that the people that treat you the worst are truly clueless as to why you don't want them in your life which really makes no sense at all.