Monday, October 16, 2017

Why Do Bad Things Happen...

To Good People?

Someone I know told me how she doesn't believe in God anymore...  Why?  Because a coworker of hers died so tragically.  He was hit while changing a tire and killed instantly.  He was a husband and father and very much loved I'm sure.  So why did this happen?  Well...  there is a God but there is also the devil.  The funny thing is no one ever blames the devil for all the evil going on in the world. 

One thing I remember from listening to Beth Moore earlier this year is that yes tragic things happen to Christians...  But something you have to realize is that in that instance when you are violently killed you instantly come out on the other side where God resides:  Even The Shack illustrated this concept.  If you ever needed to forgive then read this book.