Monday, October 30, 2017


Winter is Coming...

Is it odd that last week I was wearing shorts to bed with my window open and this week I am wearing long johns with my window closed?  What happened?  And why so quickly?  Not to mention that it was actually snowing this past weekend.  The end of fall is here!  Again!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Can Be Deceiving

If you saw two people...  The first one drives a new car and lives in a really nice house...  Is in the height of fashion...  The second one drives an old car and lives in a modest house....  Wears practical clothes...  Who is successful?  Usually it's not the one you think.  Some very rich people live very practically and some very poor people live very rich.  People are never what you think...

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Utterly Devoted...

The Notebook

In this world we live in anything goes nowadays.  People are transient and stay with each other for a time:  Sometimes with a piece of paper and sometimes without.  But have you even been in the presence of couples that have been married to each other for most of their lives?  That is true commitment.  They know the true meaning of for better and for worse.  And they stick through the tough times because of a promise they made "to love and to cherish in sickness and in health..."

Thursday, October 19, 2017



Granted we would all like to prosper rather than going through adversity but if you look at most success stories there was a point where they hit rock bottom.  Sometimes in order to experience your greatest successes means having to go through the worst failures.  Why do you think that is?  One thing that adversity does is build character and endurance.  Prosperity will never teach you that.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


I Can Only Imagine

Sometimes you listen to a song and love it without knowing the story behind it but then you find out about the story and your heart is touched in ways you never thought possible.  I think that is why finding out about each other's stories is so powerful. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Why Do Bad Things Happen...

To Good People?

Someone I know told me how she doesn't believe in God anymore...  Why?  Because a coworker of hers died so tragically.  He was hit while changing a tire and killed instantly.  He was a husband and father and very much loved I'm sure.  So why did this happen?  Well...  there is a God but there is also the devil.  The funny thing is no one ever blames the devil for all the evil going on in the world. 

One thing I remember from listening to Beth Moore earlier this year is that yes tragic things happen to Christians...  But something you have to realize is that in that instance when you are violently killed you instantly come out on the other side where God resides:  Even The Shack illustrated this concept.  If you ever needed to forgive then read this book. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Far Distant Memory


I remember watching a child try to get into a car.  The person driving the car would open the car door and wait for the boy to approach.  Just as soon as the boy got close to the car door the door would slam shut.  The driver drove a few feet and the door opened again.  Again a repeat of what happened previously.  It's says something about this driver doesn't it?  What is it in humans that is so cruel?

Friday, October 13, 2017


Finds a Way

Nowadays it seems like wildlife is in abundance.  You see the deer and the squirrels everywhere you drive.  Recently I saw an albino squirrel.  I have never seen a squirrel all white before.  Usually the squirrels are brown or black but white?  Very unusual...

Sunday, October 8, 2017

When Opportunity Knocks

Timing is Everything

Every so often in life an opportunity comes along.  Sometimes you  are interested and sometimes you are not but if you don't make a decision there and then to do something then sometimes the moment passes you by.  In that moment you are lost.  Do something and do it as soon as possible before the moment passes.  You might miss out on the love of your life or an opportunity of a lifetime.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

In Love

For almost seven decades...

Ever see a couple that has been married for a long time?  For longer than some people are alive?  Do you know what an accomplishment that is?  Especially given this day and age.  I met a couple recently that have been married this long.  Think of being married to your love for a lifetime?  To have and to hold...