Thursday, March 30, 2017

Irish Cooking

Corn Beef & Potatoes

What better way to say good-bye to March but by cooking Irish food?  The food was delicious.  The nice thing about attending a series of cooking classes is the amount of food you get to make and eat.  They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach but women are susceptible as well.  Think a woman needs to find an awesome chef.  Something to think about...

Sunday, March 26, 2017



Nosmo...  King...  What exactly does this stand for?

Have you guessed?

No Smoking...  NO SMOKING...

Good health has become very much valued in our present day society.  In fact, you can tell by the laws that have been passed and the push to get rid of this unhealthy habit.  Sometimes when you smell a smoker, you wonder if that is what hell, fire, and brimstone smell like...  I want to live in a land where there is no smoking because when all is said and done, I'd rather be in heaven then in hell but you decide...

Friday, March 24, 2017

Spring Beckons

Zoo Flowers

A Breath of Fresh Air

Breathing Blooms

Recently a highly talented artist that I know had a gallery show to display her work.  I had previously attended one of her art parties but had no idea the extent of what she could do artistically.  Life is full of surprises and sometimes its hidden under the humdrum of every day life as people you know begin to reveal a hidden facet of who they are inside. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Blooms & Butterflies

Spring Dreaming

Live With...

Live Without...

They say when you marry that you should marry the one person you can't live without.  And not the person you can live with.  If you can live without them then you are probably settling.  But not everyone marries for love.  Marriage is a choice that you make.  Just like any other decision you make.  Falling in love is partly infatuation not exactly love.  Some marriages are like business arrangements.  Some marriages are based on friendship.  Some marriages are based on codependency.  Some marriages are just for show.  Love is patient and kind...  Some marriages are a "slice of heaven on earth."

Sunday, March 12, 2017

It's that Time to Spring Forward

Daylight Savings

Can you believe that it is that time already?  We spring forward tonight.  In fact, I think we already did judging by my clock.  I have to admit I really don't know which is easier:  Falling back or spring forward.  Either way you deal with time. 

I saw a good movie tonight called Path of the Wind.  Very realistic and not always with a happy ending unfortunately.  However we all know that life doesn't always end with a happy ending.  You just never know what a day will bring.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Make Me Laugh...

Why Don't You?

Who makes me laugh?  Over the years...

Johnny Carson
David Letterman
Conan O'Brien
Dana Carvey
Mike Myers
Jimmy Fallon
Jerry Seinfeld
Steve Martin
Tina Fey
Adam Sandler
Will Ferrell
Michael Winslow
Fred Armisen
Robin Williams
Steve Carell

I think you will all agree that laughter is the best medicine.  Who doesn't want to laugh?

Thursday, March 2, 2017


A Month...

Ushered in by colds, sore throats, and sickness.  I kid you not!  It seems that everyone I know has been fighting some sort of cold or pneumonia.  What with this cold and warm bipolar weather we have here in the Midwest.  This year's version of the cold is brutal.  It is like five weeks total.  Not fun by anyone's viewpoint.  Hope everyone feels better soon!  I hope I feel better soon!