Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January Ends

Too Soon

I have to admit that January was pretty busy considering.  December was more so but January held it's own.  And now it ends and guess what's right around the corner:  Hearts, cupid, and arrows.  I didn't make any formal resolutions this year but I vowed to try at least one new thing each month so we will see where that leads me.  Life still goes on...  Take care!  :)

Friday, January 27, 2017

A Cheating Heart...


Have you ever noticed that cheaters are married to very trusting people?

Stories of cheaters have come across my path over the years:  For instance there was the guy who divorced his wife for adultery and then found out that some of the children that he had raised over the years were not actually his.  Or the guy who was expecting a child only to realize that the baby coming out of his wife could not possibly be his.

I remember sitting in the airport one day only to see the guy sitting across from me move his ring from one hand to the other...  Are you married?  Are you not?  A cheating heart...

A friend of mine told me how she found out that her husband was cheating on her.  She woke up one morning and felt a strong compulsion to drive to the airport.  When she got there she saw her husband walk out with another woman.

I think deep down inside a spouse knows...  It starts out with a suspicion.  Then becomes a gut feeling.  Until one day the inevitable happens.

It's ironic to me that a cheater won't pick another cheater to get married to.  It's like they feel like they can have their cake and eat it too.  I have never understood women who have gotten married to guys who love them and put them in a place of love and respect only to have an affair with a guy who only wants one thing.  Do these women have any self-respect?  Do they even care how much it cheapens their self-worth?  And it works both ways.  A guy that cheats is the scum of the earth.  God curses adulterers.  Do you want to be cursed for the rest of your life?  According to the Bible you can divorce your spouse for adultery.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

H2O... The Stuff of Life

Water Kills

For a long time now it has been suggested that we drink eight glasses of water a day however now research is showing that drinking too much water can be a bad thing.  There is no scientific theory that states that we need to be drinking that much water.  People can die from drinking too much water especially children who have less body mass to begin with.  Signs of water intoxication include "headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, frequent urination and mental disorientation."

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Love to Cook

Today was another day in my cooking club that I attend.  We made Chinese dumplings and Korean duk gook.  It's always fun meeting friends old and new who love to cook and eat together.  We always enjoy trying new foods and like to test out our favorites.  Could you imagine a world without food?  No way! 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

A Writer

Making Mistakes

So I say I'm a writer but I still make typos...  And I'm an English major but I still use the word ain't and I was taught that ain't is not a word.  Life is life and being human is being human.  Seriously think about texting jargon.  Who cares about grammar when you text?  I know sometimes I get too caught up in texting and then do all the grammar rules fall by the wayside.  Take care all and know that as a human we all make mistakes.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


In Kids

The seven traits that foster resilience are competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping, and control.  The best thing you to do for your child is to be there for them and to love them unconditionally according to Dr. Ginsberg. 

January Birthdays

A Lot of Them

So lately I've been going from one birthday outing to another.  Nothing like starting the new year out with a bang.  And a lot of eating...  which makes me think that hitting the gym is a good idea.  So no New Year's Resolutions this year.  I still have some catching up to do.  But baby step by baby step that's all I can do.  Have a good week!  :)

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Ten Commandments

Thou Shalt Not

If you think about it, people as a rule don't want to be told that they can't do this or that which is why Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden.  Even Eve couldn't resist temptation of the serpent and the apple. 

Thou shalt not:

You shall have no other gods before Me. 
You shall make no idols.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Keep the Sabbath day holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Do Tell

The Truth...

If you can, however we all know that all media sources have a spin.  You basically tell the news you want to tell and you may be positively biased towards some and negatively biased towards others.  I was talking to a coworker a while ago and she was telling me how our local newspaper has gotten more interesting to read lately.  Why?  Could it be that the family that once owned the newspaper is no longer the owner and now people are starting to get the real scoop on  some of the local companies that for some reason were never written about except in a positive light?  Ooohhhh...  do tell!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Hot Chocolate...

Cocoa Comfort!

Brrr...  It's cold outside...  So what better way to unwind except with a cup of hot chocolate.  Do you know what makes hot chocolate really good? 

Cup + Cocoa Mix + Milk + Whipped Cream + Chocolate Syrup = Seriously Awesome Cocoa!  :)

I always keep a stash of hot chocolate mix somewhere because you never know when you might need a cuppa!  It's perfect for those cold winter nights!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Custom Fit

Every Child is Different

Don't you agree?  For that matter every person on the planet is different.  We all have our idiosyncrasies and sensitivities.  What can cause death to one person can be totally harmless to another.  Why?  Because it's all in the genes.

If you are a healthcare provider and you overgeneralize your advice then you may be causing harm.  My Dad had diabetes and was never diagnosed until twenty years later.  A friend of mine found out her daughter had celiac disease which was never discovered until it was almost too late.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not doctor-bashing because I personally know that there are a lot of good doctors out there, however there are also bad ones.  I had a roommate tell me that one of her fellow doctor interns basically spent his time sleeping in the on call room.  Wouldn't you like to have him for a doctor?  Choose wisely because your life and the life of your loved ones depend upon it.

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Bright & Shiny

It's a bright and shiny new year!  Hmmm...  What does that mean?  That you get to start a whole new year with faith, hope, and love.  Do it right this year!  Care about the people in your life!  Once you lose this time you will lose it forever.  No amount of money in the world is going to give you more time with the people you love and care about.