Why Not?
A while back I was listening to the radio about what's trending now. The most searched for topics on the internet include a three letter word that I think you might be able to guess at as it's not PG. The other words include God and jobs. So what does this tell us? It tells us what people are interested in finding out more about and what they're searching for.
Thousands upon thousands of displaced workers are looking for jobs. Why? Because as you get older you tend to get shuffled off to the side. A number of friends that I have have all been let go or laid off by companies that they had spent a number of years working at all because they were no longer valued as an employee. What makes you not valued as an employee?
Employees are not valuable:
-if they are getting old and more expensive to care for
-if they have worker's compensation claims
-if they are out on disability
-if they blow the whistle
-if the corporate culture is not politically in their favor
Unfortunately the list can go on and on. So what do you do if you find yourself out of a job? You look for a new one, or you start your own business, or you retire, or you become a bum. It's your choice really! When life hands you lemons then it's time to make lemonade.