Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Being Part of a Family

All Brothers & Sisters

When I was younger I had many friends who were not Christians and friends who were.  I asked my Dad how it was that my Christian friends would go to heaven and my non-Christian friends would not even though my non-Christian friends were sometimes nicer than my Christian ones.  You know what I mean.  This is what my Dad told me:

Say for instance I decided to move.  Who would I take with me?  You and your siblings because you are my children or the neighbor's kids because they're better than you guys?  I would take you because you're mine.  It has nothing to do with who's better but has everything to do with being mine.

This explanation actually made sense to me.  Does it make sense to you?  Are you a part of the family?  It's a choice.  You have to want to be.