Monday, September 29, 2014

Life is but a Dream...

Or is it?

Life is what you make it.  You have free will to do what you want.  You can make good choices or bad choices.  Sometimes people criticize you and put you down.  Don't let that ever stop you because some of the most successful people in life are the ones that were criticized the most.  Think about Fred Astaire being told he would never be a dancer or Abraham Lincoln who failed at one thing after another only to become our president.  Don't let anyone call you a failure!  Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy.  If you don't believe in yourself, who will? 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

How do you relax?

Lavendar is so relaxing...

Don't you just love the smell of lavendar?  I would love to go visit a field of lavendar some day and be totally surrounded by it.  L'Occitane is a great shop to check out if you like lavendar.  They carry many lavendar products.  I usually stop by their shop in the mall just to smell the lavendar.  Mmmm...   

Another thing you may not know is that lavendar actually kills lice.  It's a natural remedy alternative.  I know it's pretty common for kids to get lice from each other so this is good to know.  I have friends that have had to deal with this and it's not pretty.   

Turns out that lavendar is also great in helping your hair grow back!  Lavendar seems to have many great uses as well as just smelling great and relaxing to your mood.  Mmmm...  Must get lavendar!

Here's a website to check out if you want to lose weight.  More and more we are hearing that high fructose corn syrup and trans fat are bad for you.  

Enjoy your Sunday!  

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Money, Money, Money!

So what to do about money?  How should we invest in this day and age?  Dan Celia is a highly recommended financial expert and he recommends the Timothy Plan as a good investment company. 

I personally feel that if you can downsize your budget to less than $1000 a month then you should be able to make it through the hard times when they come.  Obviously more and more employees are getting laid off and losing their jobs.  There is also talk about robotics taking more jobs from people.  So... 

Friday, September 26, 2014

I stink, I stank, I stunk...

Do you ever have days like this...

Where you just don't care if you took a shower that day or if people looked at you like "why do you stink?" Do you know how you smell?  Well, there are some people that simply don't care.  They don't care if they smell good or bad and they wallow in their own stink.  It's just the way they are.  Even some celebrities simply don't care!  How would you feel knowing that articles were being written about the way you smell?  Evidently no topic goes by the wayside.  If you are a clean freak, then this will probably drive you nuts.  I personally don't know that I could live with someone with bad hygiene.  There are deal breakers and then there are DEAL BREAKERS!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Stink Bugs

P U!

Actually I have never smelled a stink bug so I really don't know what they smell like but I was reading up on them earlier today and it turns out that they don't like strong smells like garlic, alcohol and essential oils.  Go figure!  You'd think if they were that stinky that they would be tolerant of other strong odors.  Ironic, huh?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Pay It Forward

It's true!  What goes around comes around!

This has turned out to be an interesting year for me and I have managed to meet people from all over.  I find it thought-provoking that some of the most successful people around are the ones that give of themselves over and above.  It seems that the most selfish people get nowhere but those that do their utmost to help others achieve their dreams find their own dreams coming true.  Hoarding gets you nowhere fast.  Something to think about! 

Monday, September 22, 2014


Do you love to read?  

I love reading!  I've always loved reading since I got hooked on Nancy Drew mysteries in elementary school.  I remember how I couldn't put the book down and would read through dinner then read under my blanket after my parents told me to go to bed.  Did you ever do that?  Or are you just not the bookish-type?

Tonight I went to a class that helps you how to sell your book.  I thought, "why not?"  Sounds interesting and you never know.  The guy teaching the class runs his own publishing company.  There are some jobs in this world that are just "too cool!"  Some people live "lives of quiet desperation" and some do not!  So what makes the difference?  This is my journey and that is my quest...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Open Crop


If you are the artsy-crafty sort then you know that an open crop is when you get together with friends to work on your scrapbook creations.  Different craft stores feature open crop sessions for a fee.  They let you use their cropping tools so that you don't have to go out and buy each and every tool yourself.  I usually make scrapbooks of personal friends' weddings.  It is a priceless keepsake that they can keep and reminds them of their special day. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Step by Step...

Side by Side...

Have you ever read Footprints in the Sand? It's a great poem.  I've always enjoyed it.  It lets you know that you are not alone even when you go through hard times.

Speaking of footprints, if you are looking for financial help, then check out the local listings for Financial Peace University.  They take you through a nine week class where you learn all about your finances one baby step at a time.  

Friday, September 19, 2014

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

Late Night TV

I used to watch Jimmy Fallon on Saturday Night Live and now he's on The Tonight Show.  Wow!  I did not realize that he was forty.  Isn't it amazing how much older we get but sometimes you really can't tell?  I know that people always tell me that I don't look my age which is probably a good thing but you have those days where you feel your age.  Weeks even!

It's ironic that he mentioned a Bar Mitzvah because I was actually helping set up for one today that is being held tomorrow.  Bar Mitzvah's and Bat Mitzvah's are a-coming-of-age parties for Jewish boys and girls.  Kind of like the Rumspringa for Amish kids. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


It's getting colder...

Have you noticed the chill in the air?  It's amazing to think that not too long ago I was enjoying myself swimming in a cool, blue pool.  Now the leaves are gently falling and changing into myriads of color right before my eyes.  I've actually started wearing long-sleeves lately too.  Me!  Who loves wearing shorts, short-sleeved shirts, and sandals all summer.  Hmmm...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Willis Clan

Do you like Irish music?

I actually love Celtic music and find it very soothing to listen to.  Not to long ago, I watched an Irish family perform on America's Got Talent but have never been to see them in concert until tonight.  A friend of mine invited me to watch them live at a local country fair.  So I spent this crisp fall evening listening and watching The Willis Clan perform in concert.  I really enjoyed listening to their music and their rendition of My Favorite Things.  I was surprised to find out that they are originally from Chicago:  Chicago being one of my favorite cities since I graduated from high school there.  

Friday, September 12, 2014

Warby Parker

Do you need glasses?

This is for the 20-30 something crowd, but if you need glasses then this company provides glasses at an affordable price.  And when you buy a pair, this company donates a pair so someone who can't afford to buy their own glasses.  This way you're also doing something good for someone else.  So check out Warby Parker today!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Memories of 9/11...


I don't think I will ever forget 9/11...  

I recall being at work that day and seeing a crowd of coworkers at the TV monitors.  I walked over to see what everyone was watching and saw the next plane crash into the second building.  We all just stood in shock watching each other. 

Due to this catastrophe, we were sent home early that day and I found maintenance workers working in my kitchen.  I remember us talking to each other about what was happening and began to cry.  I would think that most people would have remembered what they were doing on that day and the people they spoke to.  I remember watching all the footage regarding the terrorist attack and thinking about the devastation in New York City.  It had to have been horrific for those personally involved who did not know if their loved ones had been impacted or survived.

A friend and I stopped by this field during lunch one day to take pictures.  It was an awesome tribute to the victims of 9/11.  I personally hope that we never have to go through something of this nature and of this magnitude again but unfortunately this is the world we live in now. 

Monday, September 8, 2014


Looking for a new handbag?

I was at an open house tonight for jewell purses.  These are great!  If you are an organized person and are looking for a great purse then you will love the compartmentalization that is designed in these purses.  You have a place for your phone, your ipad, your notebook, etc.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Civil War

or political unrest?

Did you know that there are states in our country that are looking for a way out of our national government, Texas especially?  I was taking a political class not too long ago and learned about our constitution as well as other items of interest that I did not really know about or keep up with.  I am what you would consider to be "not a political person" so don't usually keep up with politics.  I have to admit that my eyes were opened by what I heard through my classmates.

Do you realize that some things that were illegal years ago are now slowly becoming legal?  Like gambling, marijuana, etc.? 

A good book to read that is informative in our constitution and government policy is We the People.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Are you a cheapskate... Mary Hunt?

Check out this blog for tips on how to save $!  It seems everyone is looking for ways to save $ these days.  I think in this economy if you can't make more money than you need to save more money and stretch your money by using coupons, etc.  Why not become an extreme couponer?  Or shop at discount stores.  A great place to shop is Aldi's.  You get a great price on produce.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Kimchi Chronicles

Do you like Korean food?

I had lunch at a Korean restaurant today and had my favorite!  Duk gook soup...  It's a soup made up of oblong-shaped rice cakes.  Others in my party had the hot stone bibimbap and the hot stone seafood bibim bap.  Bap is what Koreans call rice in slang.

Kimchi Chronicles is a great series if you like Korean food and want to learn all about Korea and its food, culture, etc.  The show's premier chef and co-producer is Marja Vongerichten who is half Korean.  This show conveys a personal twist because Marja shares her life story with you as well as her cooking.  Sometimes her husband and friends join her on location.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

End of Summer?


I seriously hope that just because Labor Day is past that the end of summer is NOT near!  Summer is when you get to hang out at the pool and swim and sail outside.  I recall how this past winter was so cold!  Brrr...  Please let this winter not be so cold!  Can you believe how fast this summer went?  I'm not ready for summer to be over!  :(