Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Have you lost someone?

Are you mourning the loss of a loved one?  Now or in the past?  Or have you lost a loved one years ago?  Or a job?  Or a pet?  It doesn't matter why you grieve but if you are sad for any reason or having difficulty coping then you need to work through it...  


Friday, September 25, 2020

A Country...

 That No One Remembered

Because...  They made it up!  

Everyone has a story!  That is what makes each of us unique...  We are the sum total of all the "good, bad, and ugly" that has happened to us.  

Do countries have a story?  Yes they do...  A country's history is what tells us how a nation came to be...  Was everything that we went through to make our county a nation happy and good?  No...  yet we are tearing down our history so that we can say we never did anything terrible...

What a tragedy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A Friendship of Opposites

Notorious RBG

Recently an iconic judge of the United States Supreme Court passed away.  It was noted that this judge was good friends with another Supreme Court judge who held opposing views from hers.  Note that it did not render their friendship null and void.  You can be friends with someone and agree to disagree rather than take the stance of my way or the highway...



Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Not Settling

But So Close

Ever meet someone that had a lot of the qualities you want to find in a person but...  Just not quite?  According to the founder of eharmony you need to create your list of must haves and can't stands and you have to stick to the list...  Even if they are so close...  No dice!  

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Sanctity

Of Marriage

I hear that with this ongoing COVID crisis that people are reaching out to their first loves, etc.  However that is not a good thing in the eyes of God...  You made a promise to your mate "for better or worse" and that doesn't change because you think it might be the end of the world.  It is written that you can divorce if there is infidelity in the marriage but some people still decide to stay and make it work.  It is your own prerogative...  You can kick them to the curb for having an affair or abuse but not for just any reason because you made a promise...  That's why you need to choose wisely when you marry...  No ifs, ands, or buts!

Thursday, September 3, 2020

To Outer Space

We Go!

Ever wonder what is happening out there in the galaxy that we live in?  Then check out the International Space Station...  You can meet others that like to look up at the stars...  And gaze at the vast universe together.