Saturday, February 29, 2020

Eagles Soar

Geese Fly Too

Ever wonder when you see roadkill that used to be a goose?  Why is it that geese walk across a road where cars drive on when they could so easily fly?  Sometimes you wonder where their brain is...  Think about it!  Why walk when you can fly?  There must be something in a goose that makes it want to walk across rather than fly over?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Cat Has Nine Lives

But do we?  

If you have ever had a near death experience then you will live your life differently from the way you did before.  Time is more valuable than money or have you not figured this out by now?  Every day you waste precious time when you could be doing something worthwhile.  Something to ponder...

Nature's Colors


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

I'm Miffed...

At the Groundhog!

Ever since the groundhog predicted an early spring there has been snow, snow, and more snow...  "Drat!  You Groundhog!  I am really miffed at you!  What do you have to say for yourself?"  Can you tell that I really want it to stop snowing? 


Because the Son Shines

Thursday, February 20, 2020


One of a Kind

Do you know what a miracle is?  Do you know that no two snowflakes are alike?  Do you know that no two trees are exactly alike?  Do you know that every flower is different?  How is it that we are all so different?  There is no blueprint on this earth that can replicate you to the minutest detail?  Do you know how truly special you are?  Don't throw yourself away like trash or lie down in a gutter.  You are better than that! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

A Brand New Day


It's hard to begin a brand new day when it is snowy and cold out and the bed is warm and cozy...  Sometimes having a mug of cocoa helps...  Sometimes sleeping in helps...  If you don't have to be anywhere...  We all have those days when we just want to be lazy and relaxed... 

Friday, February 7, 2020


Society Now

We currently live in a society that wants everything now and is into multiple short duration interactions...  Exactly what does that do to a person?  Living a nomadic transient life?  People coming and going all the time?  How does that compare to close knit families and couples that have spent their whole lives together?