Friday, August 30, 2019

Nathan's Parable

Rich Man vs Poor Man

This is the story of a man that had a visitor coming and instead of killing his own sheep he stole the only lamb of a poor man and used that to serve his visitor.  This story was actually about something David did that was wrong and Nathan used this parable to show him why.  I think it's ironic that some of the most generous people I know are not the richest.  There are people who are better off by far but they do the same thing.  They take from those who have less but have a more generous heart.  Think about your situation and be more aware of the people around you.  Greed is not an admirable trait.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


What we like to talk about!

A friend and I were talking some time ago and she was going on and on about how this one person kept talking about this topic constantly and I told her that we all do that.  We all have topics that we like to talk about for some reason or another.  And what one person talks about is not necessarily what another person likes to talk about.  I even reminded her that others think the same of her sometimes.  Face it we all have a soapbox!

Sunday, August 25, 2019



I heard once that David repented and Solomon regretted...  We all have done things that we regret doing but have you truly repented?  Repenting is knowing that you did something wrong and acknowledging the sin however regretting can mean a lot of things.  Usually it means you regret being caught.  A person that is sorry they got caught really is not sorry at all.  Sad to say!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Agree to Disagree

My Way or the Highway

Remember what it was like to have a challenging debate with someone or a boisterous discussion simply because you held opposing views with someone?  Has that gone by the wayside?  The reason I say this is because in the olden days we used to agree to disagree on issues and still remain friendly...  However these days if you don't agree with someone on an issue they either get very angry or want to cause you harm...  No wonder people are not saying anything anymore and yet we live in a country where freedom of speech is one of our inalienable rights.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Tale of Yore


The tale of Cinderella is timeless and has a hidden message...  "You can't judge a book by it's cover."  How many romances are out there that portray the nice, good hearted girl with the shallow, greedy, selfish girl?  And yet why is it that the guys go for the shallow one time and time again?

Really think about the person you are dating...  Are they worth it?  If not then you still have time however if you are already married to the vain one well...  Hopefully they don't make your life hell...  Follow your heart!  It will lead you...

Thursday, August 15, 2019



We live in a world where there is major confusion over identity...  What is the real secret?  You will never be happy unless you are happy inside...  And how do you feel happy inside?  If someone drags you into doing something you know is not right but you keep doing it anyway?  Well you are going down the wrong path and you know it deep down...  However if you do the right thing then there is something in your soul that finds joy...  You are master of your own destiny and you have free will to do whatever you want...  It's all up to you!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019



They say that laughter is the best medicine!  How often do you laugh?  You need to laugh more...  Find things that tickle your funny bone...  Just remember that we don't all have the same funny bone...  Sometimes if something goes right over our head it's because we just didn't get the joke.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Ethical Dilemma

Do you or don't you?

Have you ever been in a position where you are just going about your day but then you witness something that makes you suspicious?  Well do you or don't you?  Tell that is?  Some people are like it's really none of our business but others are like well that person deserves to know...  Just keep in mind that not all things told will be received well...  "Don't kill the messenger!"  If you get my drift...  however if something needs to be told it's better that someone that cares about you tells you the truth...  then someone who doesn't...  Ultimately you reap what you sow and we all know where the devil's followers end up...