Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Snow Today!

So I thought Ohio weather was bipolar because you can have all seasons of weather in the same day but Colorado can have all the seasons in one week.  However you do have more sunny days than not.  That's the southwest for you:  Shorts one day and winter coat the next.  :)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Newbie Once Again!

Each Decision...

You make changes your future for the better or for worse.  So how do you know you are making the right decision?  Well we all make good ones and we make bad ones but it's interesting that if you love God then he will work things out for you.  In a way it's like a security blanket.  Don't you think?

Road Trips

The Road Less Traveled

I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by Kansas.  I have never been there till recently but they have the prettiest rolling green hills.  I was expecting a lot of flat prairies but was pleasantly surprised. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

What happened to the arch?

Missouri Ride By

It was the oddest thing driving through St Louis and not seeing the arch.  I did see a bridge with numerous arches across but how did I miss "The Arch?"  I am not sure however it was night and it was rainy and maybe it was not seen or did they do away with it?


Did you know...

That there are rest areas that you can stop in while traveling that actually offer laundry and shower services?  I have to admit that I was surprised to see it but it does make things convenient when traveling.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Crisp is in the Air...

Inhale, Exhale

What better thing to do on a crisp fall day but to go to a pumpkin festival...  Especially one with so many vendors that you could eat anything you want.  And enough rides that you can outride yourself.  And a pumpkin pie that is to die for and huge to boot.  Go check it out sometime...


And More Stuff

Did you ever look at your stuff and think why do I have so much stuff?  I am shaking my head at myself because I had no idea I had so much.  I have to admit that lately I have had incentive to do a major fall overhaul but now I am becoming suspicious that my stuff is actually multiplying.  I kid you not but I really am wondering over it. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Comments Anyone?

I have never heard the term wackadoodle until this past year.  I have a friend that uses this term often.  Lol!  Then just tonight I heard it on the Tucker Carlson show.  This may be a new word that I should think about using not unlike snickerdoodle which is actually a yummy cookie.  :)

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Being a Good Parent

It's not all in the genes...

Just because a woman can have a child biologically does not guarantee that she will become a good mother.  Many child abusers actually are mothers too.  They play hot and cold with their children which produces anxiety.  Some mothers are such attention seekers that they use their children to fuel their own hypochondriac tendencies by giving them treatments or saying they are sick when they are not.

Some parents are sick in the head...  They don't deserve the children that they have.  A sign of a sick parent is one that can't even admit that they are wrong.  How sad that a person has to be so right that they are willing to sacrifice the physical and mental health of their child in order to achieve an outward appearance of artificial piety.  And how sad when someone you care about chooses to marry the wrong person:  Someone who only cares about money and looks because that is how superficial they really are.

Outward beauty can draw in but unless the inward beauty is there don't fall for it.  Don't fall for outward beauty when the person has a bad character.   A bad character doesn't care about the well-being of a child.  A good mother will always want what is best for the child and can recognize when they are not it.  But a selfish mother will not.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Need Sleep?

Sleep on a Towel

I kid you not but sleeping on a towel is one of the most comfortable things to sleep on.  It makes you think of spa massages and sunny days by the pool.  Especially since fall seems to have dropped right in on us with frigid temperatures.  Or close to...  Do I want really hot or really cold?  What happened to the happy medium?  Sigh!  With weather you just can't win...

Saturday, October 6, 2018


A Tasty Learn

All you need is beef, a variety of vegetables, oil, wine, sugar, and soy sauce and you have sukiyaki.  I asked a very good friend of mine to teach me her recipe.  It was an interactive learning experience and I got to learn it firsthand.  Yummy!  Then I also got to taste the best carrot cake and ramen noodle salad at a local church potluck.  I collect recipes from all over because I love to eat as well as cook.  :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October Autumn

Too Fast, Too Soon

It's hard to believe that the weather was in the 90's not too long ago.  I see deer everywhere.  I was about 15 feet from two deer just this past week.  And I saw another one while driving around.  I remember years ago a friend and I sited a deer while driving through a park.  A guy saw us pointing at the deer and thought we were pointing at him.  So he drove past us then turned around so he could drive past us again.  Little did he know we were pointing at the deer.  LOL!  Life's funny that way!