Saturday, September 30, 2017



We are human and we are good, bad, and ugly.  We have our good days and our bad ones.  When we help each other out we are better together.  No man is an island, so they say, however some of us are remote...  on our own...  by ourselves...  Even the animals on the ark go two by two...


Fisherman Flowers

One Hot Summer

Gives Way to Fall

Brrr...  the temps are dropping and the nights are cooler.  I have to say that this is a welcome change from the hot Indian summer we've been having recently.  Who wants to live in ninety degree weather?  Not me for sure! 

Sea Lion Haven

Out on the Docks

Would You Lie...

For someone you love?

Personally I think if a person asked you to lie for them that shows a lack of character on their part.  I mean why not just tell the truth?  Why is it that we now live in a culture that believes lying is a valuable skill but being honest is not?  Since when and how did our world get turned upside down?


Or Fly

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Gim Bab

Korean Style Sushi

Have you ever had this?  Yummy!  The prep work takes quite a while but the end result is "pure yummy!"  And the great thing about this roll is that it is not raw and it is great to travel with.  I recently taught how to make these in a cooking class

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Baby Young

Baby Old

The cycle of life happens day by day.  We each get older minute by minute.  No one really has the secret to the fountain of youth.  We all age everyday.  I see differences.  Granted some of us may not look as old as our counterparts but I can guarantee that there are days when I feel my age.  Life goes on...  and on...  and on...  so what happens after we die?  Do you ever wonder about that?

Sunday, September 10, 2017



What is it about looking at water that draws us in?  Why is it that we can stare at it for hours?  Water is peaceful at times yet at its most powerful it can be disastrous.  Just look at Hurricane Irma which is causing destruction in its wake.  As well as any further damage that it still has the capacity to do.