Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cashbox Explosion

Show Me the Money

Have you ever played the game where you step inside a telephone booth with money blowing all over inside it?  I actually did that recently quite by chance.  I have to admit that it's not something that I have listed on my bucket list but it is quite a singular experience.  I don't think I will forget it.  It actually goes a lot quicker than you think.  I won twelve dollars in cash and some vouchers worth forty dollars.  Life brings unique experiences every day.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Forgive & Forget...

But what if you can't?

I was reading an online comment about a girl and her best friend.  This girl would go out with unsuspecting guys and her friend would always corroborate whatever this girl said to the unsuspecting guys that she lied to; making it seem that she was telling the truth, when in fact she was not.

This girl was labeled a word that is pretty derogatory for a girl.  This girl has a name and it was on the online comment that I read.  Why is this girl like this?  What happened in her life that makes her think that she should be proud of doing evil?  Does she deserve to get married to a great guy?  Does she deserve to have children?  Why did she feel that it was ok to lie and cheat?  I wonder if this girl knows she is a con artist?

Do you know who Hosea is?  He is a great guy that got married to the worst sort of girl and yet he loved her.  Why?  Why?  Why?  Some people choose and some people get their choices taken away.  Why do we make the choices we make?  Redemption is something that is difficult for us to understand at times but being forgiven much makes a difference.  It makes a big difference.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Road to Somewhere...

You Hope!

Have you ever started on a journey without knowing where you will end up?  Don't you think life is like that?  We don't know where because even if we think we have a destination in mind sometimes things just don't end up working out the way you think it will work out.  That's life for you!  You have to roll with the punches and be flexible in case something doesn't work out the way you want it to.

Monday, August 21, 2017

How do you forgive?

...The Unforgettable?

Who do you find it the hardest to forgive?  I think it's the ones that simply never acknowledge that they did anything wrong, don't you think?  They either outright deny it or simply say that they don't remember...  I can appreciate someone being candid and repentant but for someone to say that they don't feel that they are doing anything wrong I just don't know...  This is why The Shack is a great read.  It actually walks you through the process of forgiving the unforgivable because don't we cross paths with them daily?

Friday, August 18, 2017

Fishers of Men

Wharf Fishermen

I saw the neatest thing today.  I saw a fisherman catch a stingray.  There was definitely a struggle but in the end the fisherman won.  I actually have never seen a stingray in real life like that except at a zoo.  In fact the zoo lets you pet them.  Not something I'm going to try but it was interesting to see other people pet them.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"Truth is Stranger Than Fiction"

So some say...

Have you ever heard that expression?  Some authors write books as fiction only because they know that the general public will not believe them if they told them that they were telling the truth.  Think about all the science fiction books out there...  I remember reading a book that had a preface saying that the events in the book were actually true however the book was put in the fiction category because the writer knew that not everyone would believe him if he claimed he wrote the truth... 

Monday, August 14, 2017



What is it like to be lost?  How about being separated from your mother for over 25 years and then finally finding her through Google Earth no less?  The movie Lion is based on a true story about a young boy who gets lost and finds himself miles from his hometown where through a series of events he eventually gets adopted by an Australian couple.  While in his 20's he finally begins the search for his birth mother.

Saturday, August 5, 2017


Which one are you?

This is something I've always wondered about but sometimes when you hear about the worst in humanity...  You wonder why it is that some kids grow up to be just like the worst in humanity that they have experienced and others the opposite happens?  I asked some friends this question tonight and I finally got an answer.  It's all about having control after experiencing loss of control.  The answer is control.  Do you need to control or are you able to let it go?  Just let it go...  Easier said than done...  Don't you think?