Wednesday, August 31, 2016


In Action

Every person reacts to every other person differently.  There are some people who bring out the best in you and you love them for it.  These are the people you want to hang around and like you instantly.  In fact, you can probably do no wrong in their eyes.  Then there are those people that for some reason just rub you the wrong way.  And usually they bring out the worst in you which is why you start avoiding them.  Maybe it's true when you say, "It's not you, it's me..."

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Princess Bride

& True Love

Remember this movie?  It is a classic.  Even men like this movie.  The major question revolving about true love.  If you are one of the fortunate ones and you find true love then why do you turn your back on it or give it up?  That is a very complicated question and not an easy one to answer.

Remember An Affair to Remember?  Where a couple meets at sea but are involved with other people.  They decide to meet on top of the Empire State building but the guy is upset because he thinks he has been stood up and the girl is upset because she knows the guy thinks this but she doesn't know how to get word to him.  The reason being that she was on her way to meet him, had an accident, and can never walk again.

Love is difficult most of the time.  Is it ironic that arranged marriages last longer than when we actually have a choice?  That makes me wonder if maybe we just don't make good choices or if we are all doomed to failure.  Well, I hope not!  Kudos to those of you who fell in love and lived happily ever after.  Unlike the rest of us whose love lives probably make you think wistfully of Charlie Brown. 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

You've Got Mail...

Words for Singles

Have you ever watched the movie, You've Got Mail, with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks?  Their relationship got off to a rocky start but eventually they got it together.  However they were already with other people before they got it together.  Do you know that sometimes you are in a relationship that is the status quo only because you are lonely or willing to settle?  Don't settle!  You know deep down if you are with the wrong person.  You are either with your soulmate, an inmate, or a playmate.  Don't settle for the status quo.  By the way, if you are married?  You married for better or for worse.  Then do the right thing!  However there are always exceptions like abuse, etc.  In that case, get out as soon as possible. 

Joining Hands

Joining Hearts

According to Nehemiah, you can't build a wall by yourself.  Especially because it's too easy to get discouraged.  You have enemies jeering at you and threatening to kill you.  So you just keep taking baby steps.  One step at a time until you see the other people helping you build the wall.  You may have enemies, but you also have friends.  Just beware of the frenemies!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Strengths Vs Weaknesses


Sometimes our greatest weaknesses turn out to be our greatest strengths.  How do you feel about being politically correct?  Politically incorrect?  Do you think you can agree to disagree?  Do you think that you would like to voice your opinion or do you think we should all cease to think at all?  Really think about it... 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Classical Music


I like listening to classical music when I want to relax, study or concentrate.  Have you ever been to a classical concert?  They have them outside in the summers or evening symphony events.  You can find classical music on iheartradio and Pandora.  You can even find classical music on WOSU

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A Day in the Life


Lately the weather has been at times hot and humid but then again rainy and gray.  Sometimes rainy days make me want to curl up around a really good book but some rainy days just make you kind of sad.  It's hard to be happy all the time.  I've had a number of friends lose their parents.  Do you know how lucky you are to still have yours, granted that you had good parents?  I know some of you have not.  Not all children are fortunate that way.  I was fortunate however there are always people that will cross your path that will try to take advantage of you.  Build up good boundaries because you are going to need them.  You will meet people in life that will be inappropriate with you.  You have to let them know where you stand.  You have to stand up for yourself because if you don't, it's not guaranteed that anyone else will.  Abuse can be physical but many times is mental.  And mental abuse can take a lot longer to heal than physical abuse.  Forgive is to forgive and you have to do it for yourself but you don't have to reconcile.  You can just let go of those that hurt you so that you don't harbor grudges but you don't have to remain friends with people who don't respect your boundaries.    

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Remember Columbine?

Rachel Joy Scott

Tonight a friend and I saw a movie about a typical teenager growing up in a typical high school trying to figure out who she is.  There's a lot of pain during those growing up years due to peer pressure and wanting to be accepted and liked for who you are.  And there are always bullies and mean girls who can only feel better by putting someone else down.

Remember YOU are not defined but what someone says you are!  Believe me when I say that there are a lot of people out there who so easily like to lie and try to manipulate you.  Unfortunately for the thirteen that got killed at Columbine, unjust treatment to the perpetrators resulted in a catastrophic choice that cost all of them their lives. Everything in life has a domino effect.  One action always causes another effect and vengeance comes at a cost.  Two wrongs never make a right and no one has the right to judge except God.   

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Fear Vs Love

Good Vs Evil

What takes away fear?  Love!  It's always interesting to figure out the opposite because it gives you an idea of what it is not.  Have you ever been fearful or afraid?  What did you do about?  Remember the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz?  Well he got his courage. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

What's in a Name?

Mine & Yours

Ever meet anyone that has the same name you do?  It's confusing because you don't know who is talking to who.  Know what I mean?  A friend of mine once asked me why I didn't friend her on Facebook and I told her that I'm not on Facebook but that made me kind of curious so I googled my name on Facebook and found someone that had my same name and looked like me but wasn't me.  How weird is that?  They say everyone has a twin somewhere and I must have. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Movie Night

If you had your choice...

Would you choose 90 Minutes in Heaven or 23 Minutes in Hell?  Personally I know what I would choose.  What will you choose?  Are heaven and hell real?  Do you believe in God?  Do you believe in the devil?
 Good and evil reside in this world together.  If there is good there is bad.  But the opposite of good is not bad.  The opposite of good is evil. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Hello August!

End of Summer

is drawing near...  The years go by faster and faster is seems.  And this summer is no different except that we have a number of things going on in our world that we are probably not too sure about.  The world is so different from when I was a kid. So very different.  I hear that Australia is the way we were twenty years ago.  It kind of makes me want to move to Australia.